Hi Hissy,
Sorry to hear about your accedent mine was stupid big english boy incharge or body i know it was my fault and can deal with that!
Yours was a kid who sounds like the big i am who is going to get himself or more likely someone else hurt badly if he don't know more than that. My graddad was a miller but when he retired he kept his cart horses now thems some dang big horses and i have a healthy respect to any animal that big and i remember him geting his leg broke by a back kick from a spoked horse...
Now this twit doesent know better to spook a horse! He is lucky you dident perform brain surgery wit a horse shoe your self control is more than mine whould be have a big vertual hug and give him a bop on the noggin for me
Keep warm and well we miss your messages you keep us grounded and we have a lot of respect for you milady.