Oh I must add to my own bio....what I once thought that is why chronic pain came into my life....what was being diagnosed through out the years is not why chronic pain came into my life.....I understand even more why the injury was disabling for me....why the injury happened in the first place.....
I have recently learned that Acute Intermitten porphyria has been passed through my family....this is a very rare blood disorder that has been associated with vampires werewolfs and also was known as MAD King George the III disease....unfortunatly when leaving the porphyria un treated the pyscosis is part of the disease....we lack the enzyme needed for sythizing the hemoglobin for producing red blood cells....because of the lack of enzyme the blood and the body starts getting filled up with porphyrians and it is those that poison our nervous system and organs .....because I have those porphyrians and the porphyrian perscuress it comes out in the urine and the bowel movement...mainly this is why porphyria people who are untreated like me right at the moment....urine is orange and green or tea like or wine like...it can be blue and it can be purple.....I'm 52 years old now and I am very sick and have alot of nerve damage from the years of not having the porphyria treated...with the new hemotalagest who knows about porphyria will help me to get to the treatment....because it is so rare there is only one pharmacutical company that makes the treatment/drug and that is called panhemetin....glucose is also part of the treatment intravenously is how both medicines are given.....thankfully the grandkids will be tested and shown how to live with wether they are latent with the disease or considered active with the disease...and age does not matter my 4 year old Grandson is active with the disease......