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Medications : smoke weed or not
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 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDJMarlaS  in response to Message 2Sent: 11/11/2008 5:31 PM
harley- First of all I want to say I like the cut of your jib. Doctors are the commies.

As for the smoking weed thing even though it's been proven medically effective time and again people have a hard time accepting that it works.

It's mostly political, big pharma throws a lot of cash at the government because legalizing cannabis for medicinal reasons nationwide would tank their profits, and since it's something everyone can grow they can't profit from it.

But we're going to get off that subject before I run away with it. Cannabis is a excellent muscle relaxer, if you are on opiates for pain management it's wonderful for potentiating those medications which can of course let the patient take less, there's the sleep thing, and of course for some people it is great for relieving anxiety.

As for finding a doc that can swallow that it's a whole other story. You said you had been on those medications for a long time right? It is possible you are over medicated, the same thing happened to my mom. She had been on meds she didn't need which made her feel really bad until my brother and I took her to not one but three doctors to see if it was really necessary for her to be taking those. It turned out that it wasn't, and once she got off and switched to proper meds she did feel much better.

I would say try to find people in your area who partake and have similar medical issues to yourself and ask which doctors they see and go from there.

Good Luck!!

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     re: smoke weed or not   Dan  11/12/2008 1:20 AM