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Creative Writing : Ethel's Episodes-Hello My Name is....
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: Anita  (Original Message)Sent: 3/8/2004 6:13 AM

Ethel’s Episodes-Hello My Name is Ethel�?/FONT>

Ethel stood uncertainly before the door wishing there was some other way to go about this problem.However, considering the recent events in her life, she knew there was no other way to address it.If only she had just stayed home, she would not be where she found herself tonight. She sighed,turned the knob, and walked in.

The room was crowded with people. She looked to see if there was anybody she knew and was both relieved and sorry that there was no one. Everybody was milling around talking. She spied a large coffee carafe and went over to get a cup. As she reached for a foam cup, a lady walked over and said, “Hello, you’re new here aren’t you?�?Ethel replied that she was and they exchanged names. It seemed the lady’s name was Jan and she had been coming here for 6 months. (Ethel thought “Oh dear, I hope I won’t have to still be here 6 months from now�?)

At last everybody took his or her seats and the meeting was called to order. A few items were discussed and voted on and then the meeting took off. They said a prayer for serenity and then the meeting began in earnest as one by one several people stood up and told their story. Some of the stories were full of hope, and some were full of shame and anger. As many people were new there that night, they asked the new ones to stand up and give their name and why they were there.

Ethel listened intently as the man next to her stood up and said that he had been the successful owner of a car dealership up until four years ago. He had had it all-a beautiful wife, successful business, and 2 wonderful kids. All of which he lost due to his problem. He believed that from what he had heard from some friends that this was the place to come and make a new beginning for himself.

The discussion went on for sometime, with each person standing and giving a brief report of his or her reasons for coming to the meeting. At last it was Ethel’s turn to stand. She stood and said timidly;�?Hello, my name is Ethel and I’m an Alcoholic.

You see on New Year’s Eve, I was visiting my daughter and her husband. They offered me a small glass of wine. I drank it right down and found I wanted another immediately. The more they gave me, the more I wanted and soon I was quite drunk. Then my son-in-law asked me if I wanted to listen to The Best Band in the World who also had another name-Tenacious D. I said “Sure, so he put the CD’s on and soon I was laughing my head off. Now the reason I know that I am an alcoholic is that these Tenacious D young men were saying all kinds of vulgar things and I could not stop laughing. The worse they talked and sang, the funnier it was to me. This is not I�?

To make things even worse, the next day my daughter told me she was embarrassed by me being drunk and that I had laughed like a braying mule! My son-in-law now thinks I am lady who likes raunchy music. It lifted me up in his estimation, but my daughter is shocked. And the next day I found myself wanting some of that wine again and looking for a CD player�?

So what do I need to do to start the 12-step program you are all talking about? I can’t go on like this.�?Ethel looked on in astonishment as the room erupted in pandemonium. Half of the people were laughing hysterically. The other half was certain she was making fun of them! Soon Jan said “Ethel, you better get out of here! Here comes Big Bill and he is not amused!�?“But what did I do?�?asked Ethel. Jan grabbed her arm and hustled her out the door.�?Ethel, you’re all right,�?Jan said with tears of laughter in her eyes.

The next day Big Bill called Ethel and advised her very sternly not to show her face at another AA meeting again-ever! It was the first time in the history of that group that someone had been thrown out! Ethel told the Rabbi of her search for help for her problem and the outcome. Father Jacob said, “Ethel, I will pray for you again. But in the meantime, leave AA alone!


Anita Callender2004

all rights reserved

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 Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 3/8/2004 11:12 AM
Poor Ethel, so sweet, so innocent, so naive, so hysterically funny! *S*
Another great episode Anita!  It's amazing the antics this sweet little old lady gets up to! LOL
I'm just wondering, is this where you met *COOKIE*? hahahahha  Bet she was off in the corner, *hiccuping* her way through the meeting! LMAO

 Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 3/8/2004 2:27 PM
Hi Ethel er Anita-Having read this beauty before let me just say it's just as funny on the second reading. 
I loved it. It is rich!
BTW Ya wouldn't happen to have a little more of that
wine, would ya? LOL  

 Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTimaichaSent: 3/8/2004 5:29 PM
Thank you a star!!
She is a darling sweet old lady.!!
Wine and dancing..well I think her head was spinning to fast!!
Love Tinka

 Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 3/9/2004 6:10 AM
Tinka, Dale and Sassy,
Thank you all for your kind comments on Ethel I will put another on as soon as I get a chance!
Love to all,

 Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemariemusesSent: 9/27/2004 8:07 PM
I could relate to this because I was a daughter of an alcoholic. I was looking for more description in this. I would have liked to know more about what kind of lady Ethel was.  There's humor here. This is a nice little vignette.

 Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 9/27/2004 9:14 PM
Oh, Marie,
This is a sort of serial too. I just call them episodes. To get to know Ethel you have to read her episodes. The first on is here if you follow this link.
I think I have written five of these. I need to put them all on here. I am also writing a book of short stories about her. I need to put the Thanksgiving Episode on and the Christmas one on here so you can read them. But this first one sort of introduces her.

 Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 9/27/2004 10:48 PM
I think I still have the graphics to those Anita, if you need them, I'll try to look for them! *S*
Sassy *S*

 Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameRuth88431Sent: 10/3/2004 5:18 AM
another goodie, I like this Ehtel character!

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