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7/12/2004 4:03 PM  Posted by MSN NicknameWizeMuse
Club Calypso

Dave gets his ducks in a row
He was finally thinking a little clearer, the blow to his head had really messed him up. He knew that he couldn’t stay another night. They would be looking for him and truthfully he didn’t even know what Val’s motives were. He had a lot of questions and they couldn’t be answered here without freedom to move about. He needed to contact Tiger and he needed to get a hold of Jimmy. He knew Tiger was probably already there or on the way. He felt like he finally had his head straight. Val would just have to get over it. He had to know what her true feelings were and he wasn’t even sure about his own now. So he ate some sandwiches, there was beer in the fridge in which he helped himself and he thought she did it to me again, left me hanging. Damn, what was he gonna do about her? He couldn’t help but adore her, she was always looking out for him and in a way she was like an angel watching over him. He heard a car drive up and out walked Val and she smiled and said ‘Oh Davy, I have you all to myself now�?laughing she kissed him and they embraced; ‘Doll, what am I gonna do with you?�?‘No Davy what am I gonna do with you,�?she replied.
They lie upon the beach watching the sun move slowly downward and he touched her lightly rubbing her back. He thought oh how much he’d love to touch her entire body and just consume her. She kissed him fully on the lips and they lie like that together for a long while, like slow torture, Dave thought. He wondered what it would be like to have her beside him when they awoke in the morning, maybe he would find out. The sun slowly set beneath the waves in a beautiful pink and orange hue, it could last forever in his mind and he would never tire of it. He had worked so hard all his life and he just couldn’t help but wonder if this could be the one for him. Finally someone to hold and cherish, he thought wistfully Something in the back of his head though kept coming into focus and he tried to push it back. ‘Val did you plan on spending the night here?�?he asked doubtful. that he could be safe. She winked and smiled ‘Yes Dave, today is my day off and they’re not going to come looking for me if I don’t show at the club, but we must think about getting away from this house in the morning. You cannot stay here, it won’t be safe for long.�?
‘Well Val I'm sorry but I think that you should take me to the airport here in town right no. I don't believe I'm safe here.'  So I can either catch a plane out or get out somehow, he was thinking now that he wasn’t safe with anyone here. ‘Val I need to get away from everyone I’ve had contact here in El Dorado and that means you and your family. I’m sorry it has to be this way and I’m very grateful for all you’ve done. I will be in touch with you after I’ve got things straightened out, until then I have business to attend to and I’m finally thinking clearly. I know that they’ve put two and two together and they know wherever you are I am, so we must separate.�?
Val was crying at this point but either she was a great actress or she really did care for him. He wasn’t sure of anything at this point, only that he had to get somewhere to move about and use the telephone. He desperately needed to talk to Jimmy and he knew that Tiger would be searching for him too. ‘Dave you don’t want to stay here with me tonight?�?She was crying on his shoulder now and he felt bad but he had finally got his ducks in a row. ‘Val, as soon as I know where I can be safe and out of the grasp of the Chief and whoever else wants me dead, I will contact you, I promise.�?nbsp; Hell she could be a spy for her father or brothers and whatever their part in this whole scheme he wasn’t sure, but this had to be something to do with that old bastard Watson and his wife, she wasn’t missing of that he was sure, she was in the middle of some kind of business dealing and he was going to find out what.
‘Dave.�?Val called out, ‘I see a car coming and I believe it’s my brothers.�?BR>Great he thought, just great. Now what?

7/31/2004 4:39 PM  Posted by MSN NicknameWizeMuse
Club Calypso
Tiger by the Tail
 Tiger boarded his plane for El Dorado the next morning after Jimmy had talked to Dave. He knew one thing and one thing only, Dave needed some backup. No problem, he thought. He looked at Jimmy and Dave as brothers and family. So anything thye might ask of him was just the way it was going to be. Jimmy had told him about Dave’s being shot and how he had been hit over the head, so he knew someone knew they were coming after the dame and they wanted to eliminate them. Why or how they could have known was a mystery. Jimmy just said; ‘Dave’s fine, just a shoulder wound, but I’m worried that he’s gonna get his butt killed Tiger.�?So here I come he thought. ‘The less you know is probably for the best  cause Dave will fill you in when you get there just hole up and lie low.�?Tiger had seen these situations all his grown life and this was nothing new so he sat back, relaxed picked up a brochure that read El Dorado, a resort for adults. He laughed out loud thinking of Dave lying in the sun with some beauty, he looked around wondering if anyone had heard him. Oh well, it was funny and typical of this type of work. All work and no play makes Dave a dull boy he thought laughing inside his head.
 The stewardess walked by and Tiger said; ‘hey honey could you bring me a Tequila Sunrise.�?he chuckled. ‘Sure just a second sir. I’ll be right back.�?she replied in a sultry voice. Damn, Tiger thought where do they get these ladies. He got his sunrise and the song by the Eagles popped into his head.  It’s another tequila sunrise, he listend to the music in his head and the lyrics stuck in his head as he sipped his drink, nodding into dream land.
 â€œStarin�?slowly ’cross the sky, said goodbye He was just a hired hand Workin�?on the dreams he planned to try The days go by Ev’ry night when the sun goes down Just another lonely boy in town And she’s out runnin�?nbsp; round �?/DIV>
He had nodded off and when he awoke the plane was touching down at El Dorado. He thought that was quick but he had a nice nap and felt refreshed. He got off the plane and grabbed his bag and headed down the corridor, looking about, he felt a little anxiety. He wondered if Dave would be around to pick him up but knew after what Jimmy had said that probably wouldn’t happen and the worst case scenario was Dave was in jail. They couldn’t possibly know who he was could they? he asked himself. Who were they and why in the hell did someone take a shot at Dave? Hell lots of questions and nothing really to stand on as far as facts. But such was this line of work! He thought about when he, Dave and Jimmy were growing up like brothers, they had treated him that way. He was forever grateful and felt a lot of love for them. He was worried about this whole thing. It just felt different in some way, perhaps bigger than he was able to comprehend, but he knew Dave well enough to know that he would get a handle on things. Suddenly two men appeared behind him, he felt an object stick in his back and knew it was a gun. He heard a voice say to him ‘Senor if you will just come along peacefully nothing will happen to you.�?
Ah that was reassuring, now he knew something was wrong, they knew him somehow and Dave had to be in trouble. These bastards knew what he looked like and no wonder they had took a shot at Dave. He wished now he could get his hands on that old son of a bitch Watson. Did he betray them? Who else? What did they know and why? Well what could he do but go along. Then what if, crossed his mind.

8/21/2004 3:07 AM  Posted by MSN NicknameWizeMuse
Club Calypso
Tiger & Davie Reunite
Dave was waiting on the deck in the back of the house. He had a drink and a beer infront of him. He heard the car doors and then it drove off up the lane, the gravel popping the fenders. He thought well they didn’t come for me, he supposed just checking on Val and to see if he was there. Then the glass door slid open and out walked Val with a heavy set Mexican man behind her, he saw that it was Tiger. Damn! ‘Tiger, what the hell are you doing here?, Dave blurted out, ah hell man come here.�?They hugged and patted each other on the back. Tiger said ‘Well Jimmy said to lay low but I guess I couldn’t get low enough, they nabbed me before I even got out of the airport. Hell Dave, they know every move we’re making, even before we make it!�?BR>‘Well Tiger, I think we have a spy or an informant and they’ve got to be linked to the old man Watson in some way, who else knew we had been hired to find his wife? So, I’m thinking we need to relocate and get our act together. We’ll talk about it and plus I need to call Jimmy and see what he’s got.�?BR>‘Dave, while you and Tiger are visiting I’m going to fix us something to eat, I should be able to come up with something or other, Val laughed, �?I do want to tell you this much though, I do know that Mr. Watson has been a guest here in El Dorado of my fathers, so I believe they’ve had some business connections, not sure what though because I’m not privy to that information. My job is to dance and entertain the guests, make them feel comfortable and relaxed. I’m not a whore though so don’t get that idea, there are plenty of those at the night club, strip joints etc. So if you’ll excuse me I will call you when our dinner is ready.�?She leaned over and gave Dave a kiss on the cheek. Dave grabbed her and gave her a deep kiss and whispered in her ear, ‘Darling I never thought you were a whore. OK!�?
After Val had walked back in the house she leaned out the door and said ‘How rude of me, Senor Tiger would you care for a drink or a beer?�?Dave replied, ‘It’s ok baby, I’ll fix my man a drink here and if he’s like me he needs a little chaser too. Dave walked into the house and fixed Tiger a Tequila Sunrise, (this is Mexico)  and grabbed him a cold Corona. He winked at Val in the kitchen and walked back out onto the deck and said, ‘Relax brother, this is no problem. Did you get your bags and everything? Cause we’re gonna be needing them tomorrow, we are heading down the coast to Mazatlan just to get our bearings and be able to move about without the “Esperanza�?family looking over our shoulder, but I don’t doubt the clout that they wield here in Mexico.�?‘No problem Dave, you’re the boss and I’ll just follow your lead, Tiger smiled; That is one fine looking woman though Dave, you dog you!�?He laughed and shook his head. ‘Dave, how the hell are we ever going to find the Watson woman? Jimmy said she was probably mixed up somehow with one of old man Watson’s business associates and with what we’re beginning to see, the old man must be mixed up with the ‘Esperanza�?family. He’d heard that Watson and Esperanza had been known to have associations of some kind. So you know Jimmy is cracking it back there, we need to get a hold of him, Dave. He’s gonna be worried out of his mind when he doesn’t hear from either one of us.�?BR>‘Yeah, I know he’s wondering what in hell is going on. So we’ll get a ride out of here in the morning and see if we can get a handle on this situation. It’s got me stumped but I have some theories. Hell, you don’t want to hear them, and if we don’t find his wife, well too damn bad.�?/DIV>

9/25/2004 1:43 AM  Posted by MSN NicknameWizeMuse

Club Calypso

French Croquet

‘Dave I need to talk to you,�?Val called out.

‘Yes Val, what is it?�?Dave got up and stepped into the kitchen and Val whispered in his ear, ‘I just about have your dinner Dave, I hope you guys will like what I fixed. Oh and Dave I want you so bad,�?she laughed and kissed him on the lips with all of her passion. Dave kissed her back deeply and held her for a moment. ‘Val, I must say something smells good, so I’m sure Tiger and I will enjoy. But I could think of other things right about now I could enjoy.�?He laughed and kissed her again on the lips, getting a little taste with his tongue. ‘Hmmmm you sure taste good, now honey after we eat, we will taste each other and you won’t even have to add any salt to me.�?He laughed hard and put his arms around her waist. She said, ‘Dave call your associate and tell him dinner is almost ready.�?/P>

After they had eaten Tiger said, ‘Where do I sleep Miss Val?�?She showed him the guest room and he grabbed his bag and said, ‘Good night Val and thanks for dinner, but I’m beat and I need some sleep. Goodnight Dave!�?/P>

Val and Dave did the dishes and then she said, ‘Dave please follow me.�?She smiled seductively and Dave was right behind her. ‘I’m right behind you baby,�?he grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him She swayed to and fro like the dancer she was. A night of love was in the making, Dave thought. Finally! She slipped her dress off and he helped her by undoing her bra and pulling down her slip. She wrapped her arms around him and found he was ready as she was for love. He held her close and kissed her fully on the lips, they played a little French croquet with their tongues and Dave begin to work his way down her breasts licking her nipples until they became hard. He kissed and suckled them as she moaned and swayed, she was the dancer now and he was the dance. He grabbed her hips working slowly down to her belly button where he worked his tongue about until she writhed with anticipation. She wiggled and kissed him on the chest and grabbed his manhood in its full glory. He pulled her panties down to her ankles and she kicked them off. She was ready for him Now! She said ‘Oh Dave please take me.�?He worked his way back up to her breasts and suckled them as their hips met and they did the tango in a rhythm she’d never forget. He whispered softly just before he lost his control, ‘Val you are so beautiful�? ‘Oh Dave please come now.�?They lay in orgasmic ecstasy�?.


<o:p> </o:p>

2/3/2005 1:35 AM  Posted by MSN NicknameWizeMuse

Club Calypso


The Girl from El Dorado


She looks out theglass panels towards the beach. The ocean looked inviting so she decided to take a

swim, she put on her bathing suit and headed down to the sand. She looked back at the man in the bed

and thought, I've gotten everything they asked me to so I'm done with this scumbag. She hated having to

have anything to do with him, let alone sleep with him. She got her freedom this way from the old bastard

and a sizable amount of money. She lay back in her chair taking in the warm sun thinking of the first time

down here. She had seduced another man for John and the Esperanzas. She had gotten information out of

him with her considerable talents. This time things were different and they needed to fool the guy with an

elaborate plan that she would become his wife. So they had hired the McKennnas and the whole thing had

worked out as the fellow had saw the shooting and he was led to believe the old man would kill him or have

her dragged back. The truth was when she got the information she would be snapped up by who else but

the P.I. The gentlemen would be taken back to Mexico City and arrange a deal on the goods even though

he had wanted no part of that. It was an elaborate ploy just to seem believable and then bingo the artifact

would disappear unknowingly to him into the hands of the American dealer Watson. All the while her freedom

had been promised along with money. Little did she realize they wanted her dead. She knew way too much and

so when the two men picked her up at the beach, she was to go willingly and that was the last anyone would see of her

She saw them coming towards her, two burly mexican men and wondered if they were the men she was to leave

with when suddenly another man approached her. He was an American and he introduced himself as Dave, she

noticed the other two men and suddenly a short stocky mexican walked up behind the two men and he said

something to them and they had vanished up the beach. Dave knew then she was the lady that had information

that the Esperanzas and old man Watson had wanted, how he wasn't sure but he had his instincts about him.

Tiger had a hold of the two goons and they got down into the boat he and Dave had rented where Tiger disarmed them

and tied them up. Dave had known right away they were up to no good, armed and all. So he told Tiger theres our first clue.

Dave was a sharp investigator and a sharp man.

Dave said to the lady "I noticed you here all alone on the beach and thought perhaps you could use some

company." She had made the phone call this morning to Mr. Esperanza and she had expected two men to pick

her up. "Well it took you long enough!' She said as if she were put out. "The bastard is gonna be awake here

in a few minutes." Dave knew then his hunch had been right about her and she fit the description that was given

to him before he came down here. He said "Ok where are we going? Cause they've left me in the dark gorgeous."

She laughed and said "Ah, well just get me over to the Esperanzas." So Dave thought I wonder how this is going

to work out. He called out to Tiger. Tiger came to his side and whispered "Tied the goons up Dave, they won't be

bothering anybody for a while, were you right Dave? Was that her?." "Yes Tiger, you know me but I did have a

picture of the woman and she didn't look much different from that. So we're off to the Esperanzas won't they be

surprised and I'm going to call Val just to make sure she's there so we don't get our butts killed, but have your

weapon loaded and ready just in case. Remember too, this lady has information they want, so they're going to be

extra careful not to kill her. We have them now Tiger and we don't even know how." he laughed

He called Val on her cellular and told her what they were up to and where could she meet them. She agreed

with him and he said to Tiger, "Ok we're going to meet Val at the club and then we'll straighten this mess out one way

or the other." The blonde was quiet and thought nothing of the two of them. She just wanted to go on her way.

Which lucky for her that Dave came along or it would have been a trap for her. Dave didn't give a damn one way or

another but he was a decent fellow. He was getting rather tired of their lies and deciet. He normally would have

walked away from this mess but he had got mixed up with Val. So there it was, probably his downfall, but the hell

with it he wanted the lady. Foolish or not.

4/2/2005 3:15 PM  Posted by MSN NicknameWizeMuse
Club Calypso
(Home Sweet Home)

They took the girl to the Club after he found out that the
old man was on his way down. We'd waithim out and the
girl would be our cover. Tiger watched her while we waited.
It would be the last time I'd visit this lost Mexico. It
really was a lost soul that found his way there, thought
Dave! He figured Val had made up her mind, not sure but
it seemed like a one way street. She couldn't leave her
family or most especially her old man. Her brothers were
in the same boat he believed and this mess he went through
down there, man oh man was it worth it? That he wasn't sure
of, but one thing he didn't regret was the short time he and
Val had together. She was beautiful and actually he felt sorry
for her situation. Her father was a domineering personality
and he wondered if Val would ever escape and have her own life.
 Val walked in the club and looked at Dave and he knew
immediately from the sadness in her eyes. "Hello Dave, so you
found the girl." she said matter of factly and he knew then
the whole damn thing was a setup. But hey the old man payed us
well and we wouldn't turn that down but what if? That was the
thinking on Daves' mind. Too many what ifs, he thought.
"Good morning Val." Dave replied "You look very nice in the
morning, pretty as ever." She smiled and said, "You're such a
good man, Dave!" "Oh I don't know about that but you found a
guy that could make you happy, can you let go of that?"
 "Come and sit by me Val, Dave asked, "you need to feel my
heart one more time." She looked down and walked over to Dave's
table and they put their hands together. She was crying a little
and Dave knew she wished to go with him, but just couldn't. It's
funny how life is. I leaned over and kissed her and wiped the
tears from her eyes. She just shook and sobbed, I said let's take
a little walk. "Tiger be back, need some air." He knew Tiger
would watch her like a hawk.
 He put his arms around Val as they walked to the side tables
and stood looking out at the ocean. She sobbed and broke down, and
Dave said to her, "Val why won't you let me make you happy, give
you a new life?" "I just can't Dave, I'm so sorry. I'd really love
to be with you. Why can't you just stay down here." she asked. He
thought and said, "Val, I couldn't tolerate your father and his ways.
You do need to get away from him to find the happiness you deserve,
but I can't make you see that, you've got to do that yourself."
"Dave, you just don't understand!" she sobbed. "No I don't, replied
Dave, I've always went my own way I guess. Yet our family had strong
ties and my brother and I are still together, but I don't live his
life and he doesn't attempt to live mine. This is something totally
different Val, you're letting him control you and one day you will
hate him for it."
 He leaned over and kissed her, she kissed him back but she was
pulling away, putting distance between him and her feelings. He could
sense that much. "Val I know you loved me, why don't you think it over
and we'll stay in touch and when you decide to, you can come on up."
he said knowing that wouldn't probably ever happen. He'd never felt
exactly like this before, they had some sort of connection and to just
let it go was almost too much to take. "Val don't make me walk away."
Dave said. "I'm so sorry Dave, I do care about you too, but I just
can't leave my father." "Well, I hope he appreciates you as much as I
do? I rather doubt it." Dave exclaimed. Then Tiger came to the door
and said "Dave old man Watson just walked in, and our plane leaves in
an hour or so." "I know Tiger and I ready, just a second."
 He grabbed Val and pulled her close, "I'll never forget you Val.
You are a special lady and you sure helped me out of some troubles."
"Dave, I love you, I did the first time I saw you." "Then Why Val?
he begged, "can't you give it a chance to work and you'll see it will
get easier and we'll visit your family often." "No Dave, I just can't.
she cried, I have to be here and if you wish you can come and see me,
please do." He wasn't sure that was an option but he lied and said
"Sure Val, listen I've got to go. Home is waiting for me too."
They kissed Goodbye and Dave walked away forever.