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General : Do we want to move to Multiply?
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 Message 1 of 16 in Discussion 
From: Anita  (Original Message)Sent: 10/24/2008 4:55 AM
Well I guess we have a decision to make. Do we want to move to Multiply or somewhere else? I think they will move it for us. I don't know for sure. We need more information. So what do you think Dale and Sassy?

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 Message 2 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 10/25/2008 12:27 AM
NO, multiply is not a good site in my opinion.  Big deal it will move things over, to me, I'd just back up (which I have done all my stuff) and start fresh.  The old stuff isn't something I would move myself. 
Silver actually told LI at my behest that PROBOARDS is the better option. 
She knew I've been checking out so many different sites, I've looked at about 15 different ones so far Anita, including YUKU, MULTIPLY, PROBOARDS, AIMOO, FREEBOARDS, TAKEFORUM and others and of the group I've looked at both PROBOARDS and TAKEFORUM are the best options.  So I'll leave it up to you guys to decide where you'd like to go, I'm in the process of saving the million and one things from my own private MSN sites, which is considerable, it's where I stored most of my stuff in case my computer ever went pfffffffffft.  Now I have to store it elsewhere.
Plus I have various graphics groups which I run to figure out how to set up and move things over to whatever site we decide on.  I'll be swamped and I'm just praying I can get it all done in time. LOL
Sassy *S*

 Message 3 of 16 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 10/25/2008 2:49 AM
I have seen the proboards site but not the other one you mentioned so I am gonna go check out both of these you mentioned again. Have you checked Deviant Art out Sassy. I saw it and I liked it.....but at least we have a little time to check it out before we have to make a decision.
Wish I could get Dales input.

 Message 4 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 10/25/2008 3:03 AM
Silver is a member of Deviant Art and the only thing she does there is post her pics, others can comment on them, but they can not start a posting themselves.
If there is another area to Deviant Art, I don't know about it as it's not something she uses.  She pays for her site on Deviant art, although you can get free ones too, I myself have one, but never use it.
But if there are forums there, we've never used them, we only use the personal sites.  Hers costs her somewhere around just under 40 US per year.
Sorry I couldn't be more help about Deviant Art, but I have no idea of the stuff Lily talked about there. 
Sassy *S*

 Message 5 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 11/3/2008 2:26 AM
Guys, I was surprised reading about this stuff,
not been on too much, so haven't decided what
this means. I guess if they will move it, heck we'll
give it a try. I'm a member of other groups which
I enjoy and share poetry etc. So... my motto is
just go with the flow LOL Geez, msn what a joke!
or maybe it Multiply is decent? We shall see...

 Message 6 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/3/2008 10:31 PM
Dale, do NOT go with MULTIPLY, it tells you you sign away your rights when you become a member, it's adding it's logo to things, it's the last place you want.
Please also don't do the LI route, now they're trying to GUILT you into paying for a site, there is NO NEED to pay for one.
Proboards does EVERYTHING that you need it to do and it's free.  I normally do not like to post a link to another site, but to show you how PROBOARDS works, I'm going to show you a site to a group of Irish ladies that tour around the world, I belong to various sites for them and they all use PROBOARDS.   It's free, check it out.
This is their site so you can see the setup, this is what LI should have used, not a PAYING site.
This is where you can sign up yourself and once you've joined PROBOARDS, then you can create a community!  But here's something to think about too.  MSN is going to WINDOWS LIVE - are they charging for their groups or not?  If not, why not just wait 2 weeks and check them out!
Here's where you sign up to join proboards.
Sassy *S*

 Message 7 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 11/4/2008 7:15 PM
Sassy, Do you mean your copyrights to your work?
Don't see how they can do that? But no if they do then
Hell No! Hope to talk soon.

 Message 8 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/5/2008 1:17 AM
Dale, I suggest you read their TOUS.
mainly what I'm talking about so far is based on graphics that I do.  But for them to tell me I've signed away my rights when the artists I've either bought to use or free artists, were never consulted if it was OK from their perspective for me to post their tags and have MULTIPLY add their logo, that's theft as far as I'm concerned and I've written to various licencing sites that sell us tubes to use in making graphics, and they are up in arms about this, because they charge us to use their art and they say MULTIPLY has no business putting their logo on it.  It's hard to explain unless you understand the concept of making graphic tags.  You've seen me use some things in making poetry long ago, but much of that was just personal permission I got from various artists to use their works for a poem.
What I do now is more like this:
And we either BUY the right to use certain artist's works or we get personal permission to do so. 
Multiply has told me - we signed away our rights when we joined them and posted the tags, so now they are putting their logo on something they have no right to put their logo on.  They didn't either buy the art, nor make it. 
That's illegal from a copyright standpoint.
Sassy *S*

 Message 9 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePinkPastelLadySent: 11/15/2008 9:20 PM
Hello All, 
You have been so very missed. 
Since taking care of 5 grandchildren on a regular basis, my mother being in hospice, and Paul becoming progressively more ill, time for online friends has had to be sacrificed.  Still, you are held dear to my heart.  The idea of losing you brings sadness, so this is to pose the question, "Will it be okay if SpiritMusings' move could include the kindness of taking along a not-so-active (yet) member?"  The idea of keeping in touch with all of you would feel so hopeful.  The future may allow more time for online friends. 
All of the work that has been put into finding a new and hospitable site, is appreciated.  What talented managers we are blessed to have!  Thank you for your dedication to making SpiritMusings a warm and wonderful place to be. 
Your graphics Sassy, so beautiful and enchanting to see, bring a smile to my heart.  When combined with your excellent poetry, there is magic. 
Nita, your warm heart that has survived so much pain, serves as an inspiration to my own, while your multi-genre writing talents continue to touch and amaze. 
And Dale...  what glorious news that your health is better!  Your beautiful poetry seems more deeply felt and refreshes my soul. 
I Love and Miss All of You,      

 Message 10 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/20/2008 4:10 AM
Miss you too Mindy and sorry to hear Paul is still not well.  Good to see you here though PINK LADY! *S*
I really don't do much in the way of poetry anymore Mindy, I run graphics sites, where it's just the tags I make now.  I wrote one poem in the last 2 - 3 years I think, but have never posted it.  LOL
I've left you a message on pager Mindy, you too Anita & Dale!
Sassy *S*

 Message 11 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 11/20/2008 5:44 PM
Guys-The gig with Multiply is this, if you don't
get a paying site, your bandwidth is limited so...
you can't post shite ;) You know the Yahoo site
is still there...thoughts?
Spirit Musings @ Yahoo


 Message 12 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/21/2008 12:17 AM
I've been saying this all along, you can't do websets there, but you can post text and pics if you store your pics at a linkable site, either your own, or a place like Photobucket - make it a private, not public album when you're setting up your account. 
But no one here, with the exception of me, usually used graphics anyhow, most just write the poem out as text and at Proboards, you can do that, and what is nice, you can EDIT IT, if you goof up your typing. 
Check it out Dale.  I gave you the Celtic Woman one when we last talked, did you go look at their boards to see just how easy it is to use?
Sassy *S*

 Message 13 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/24/2008 7:03 PM
You might be interested to know this Dale & Anita!  Seems one of the members in my graphics group called MSN and asked if there were going to be any MSN Groups once the Windows Live kicks in and they work out the bugs.  She was told yes, so I investigated and I found this last night online:
You'll notice it does say GROUPS there, on the coming soon page. LOL
We might have all been frantic and trying to figure out new groups for NOTHING.  Even though I've made other groups as a JUST IN CASE, I'm going to wait and see what this will be like and if it's similiar to what we have now, I'm staying with MSN.
Sassy *S*

 Message 14 of 16 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 11/25/2008 5:12 AM
Hummmmmmmmmm! I sure hope it works like these groups do now! If so I would rather do that too.
PS I really haven't seen anyplace that I liked for us yet. I really don't like proboards, but like Multiply even less.
I checked out all the ones you mentioned. The one with the celtic ladies was nice,but I really like this set up here.

 Message 15 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/25/2008 9:01 AM
That's the one feature of Proboards I don't like that they can attach a signature and it's usually a tag of some sort, I'd prefer NO SIGNATURES, but I have to be honest and say the edit feature and text at proboards is superiour to MSN.  I've used proboards longer than MSN and was miffed when I came to MSN and found out they had no edit feature.  LOL
Plus I don't know if you have to be a member to fully check all the functions, but you can even see EVERY post  you've ever posted, by accessing your own profile at Proboards and can find things a whole heck of a lot quicker than searching through endless threads here at MSN.
Now if only they could combine the best features of MSN with those of Proboards, we'd have the perfect group.  Websets, Ease of use for posting text & pics, plus editing and easy to find postings.  Then I'd be in GROUP HEAVEN! LOL
Sassy *S*

 Message 16 of 16 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 11/25/2008 9:04 AM
I can also send if I wished, a private message to any other member at proboards and it's only accessible to us, not the entire group, so if I wanted to find out something from just one person, it's like using a pager, plus it keeps track of messages you've sent, messages you've received. 
Guess I'm just greedy and would like a combination of the best of both MSN & Proboards.  If I knew how to do programming and the coding myself, I could make a MINT! LOL

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