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General : New Spirit Musing Site - at AIMOO
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From: MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  (Original Message)Sent: 1/12/2009 3:21 AM
If you don't want to use it, that's ok, but in order for you to not lose all your archives I had to create something quickly and I've asked it to transfer all pages over to new group.
That doesn't mean it removes them from here, but makes a copy of them over there in an archive section, so you'll always have them, though you can't add to them.
It also means all the definitions I worked on, I had to unlock them, so they wouldn't be lost too!  That's why the list is so long.  Once I get my other graphics groups set up, if you want I can set this one up with various boards for you, but this had to be done before MSN went POOF.  Personally it's much easier to use/look at than other poetry sites you've been using recently. 
This one will allow HTML and websets like I've done for various of the poems in the past.  Ease of use, editing, ability to move things to different boards, post pics was the biggest factor when choosing the type of site to set up at.
In case anyone wants the URL, remember the group is only an archive at the present time,  until it gets set up if Dale and Anita decide that's what they want, but didn't want to risk losing all the definitions etc as it would take me too long to copy  each to a wordpad.  This will save them for me. LOL
Here it is:
To create an AIMOO account, just click on this  - and create your account, remember name you use might already be taken as a lot of old MSN members have switched to AIMOO, but it's easy to just add a few numbers after a name to get a close ID if yours is taken.
Sassy *S*

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     re: New Spirit Musing Site - at AIMOO   Anita  1/12/2009 5:28 AM