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Love & Romance : Blue Storm
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuse  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2006 7:18 PM

Blue Storm

We walk up the path together hand in hand
We come to a verdant pasture
surrounded by firs and pines
The smells are so divine
We spread a blanket for our picnic lunch

After we eat we lie together and watch the sky
The clouds drifting by in formation of imaginings
I tell you a story of the open range and wild ponies
You laugh and smile, You say this is a tall tale
I smile and say, I’ll brew you a blue storm

We are caressed by a soft breeze
off in the distant horizon a thunder head forms
We hear the thunder rumble and see lightning flash
Suddenly the wind picks up and before you know it
it is upon us so we seek shelter in a shed on the hill

The rain pours down into the gullies and ravines
We are startled by the thunder crashing
The lightning claps and enlightens the dark storm
It leaves us as suddenly as it came
I say, told you I’d brew a blue storm

A rainbow appears on the horizon as the sun slips in
The spectrum of color blends in the landscape around us
I’ll tell you about the pot of gold at rainbows end
but only leprechauns can capture it
I laugh, I could tell you a tall tale about the little people

We walk back up the path towards my pickup truck
We stop and look back with our arms around each other
We kiss and I know I’m falling in love with her
You smile at me and say I had such a wonderful day
She whispers in my ear, oh you do brew a blue storm

©Dale CJ Clark


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     re: Blue Storm   MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  1/3/2006 8:45 PM
     re: Blue Storm   Anita  1/4/2006 3:46 AM