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Touching Stories : Reposted for Summer-Lonely
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: Anita  (Original Message)Sent: 6/1/2006 10:05 PM

Have you ever once in your life time, or once a while you have you felt so lonely. Like there is nobody in the but you, or you feel that your not wanted?  I always feel that way, but sometime I dont because my boyfriend is beside me and I feel sife in his arms.

Also when you talk you someone has rejected you,or they actually think your boring them. when I'm in a house alone I feel there's a PeepingTom watching me through the window and im about to scream for the cops. But because I no I feel alone doesnt mean that I' am.

 Sometimes I wonder why do teens and other people smoke, and I think I answered my own question. Well, they smoke, for their might dare them do it. They might be under the influence of their friends, for they see how cool their friends are because they got a cigarrette hanging out of their mouth and girls go to them. then that when they start feeling lonely and they want some of what they got.You want to be cool. You want the girls to come to you too. And you dont know what your getting your self into.

They dont care if they get arrested. they dont care about what happens their lungs. And dont you think its time you took some action. If you dont want to feel lonely get a girlfriend or boyfriend have or wait until you get married. But, till then dont put self in danger by smoking just to get out of the lonelyness. And theres got to be a time your gonna be or feel lonely ANYWAYS!       


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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 6/2/2006 8:46 PM
Summer, if you need any help in how the posting works on these boards, please just ask and we'll be happy to explain how.
One thing I might mention.  Word programs do not copy and paste well to these windows, they look fine when you first type, but when you hit send, they'll come out with lots of html coding that they add it.
There are two programs that come under your applications.  One is notepad, the other is wordpad.  I sometimes use notepad, to line whatever I'm typing up properly, without the spacing, then I copy it all to wordpad, set the font style, the size, the alignment, the colour there, then I copy and paste it here to a message window. 
Hope this helps.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 6/2/2006 8:53 PM
Have you ever once in your life time, or once a while you have you felt so lonely. Like there is nobody in the but you, or you feel that your not wanted?  I always feel that way, but sometime I dont because my boyfriend is beside me and I feel sife in his arms.

Also when you talk you someone has rejected you,or they actually think your boring them. when I'm in a house alone I feel there's a PeepingTom watching me through the window and im about to scream for the cops. But because I no I feel alone doesnt mean that I' am.

 Sometimes I wonder why do teens and other people smoke, and I think I answered my own question. Well, they smoke, for their might dare them do it. They might be under the influence of their friends, for they see how cool their friends are because they got a cigarrette hanging out of their mouth and girls go to them. then that when they start feeling lonely and they want some of what they got.You want to be cool. You want the girls to come to you too. And you dont know what your getting your self into.

They dont care if they get arrested. they dont care about what happens their lungs. And dont you think its time you took some action. If you dont want to feel lonely get a girlfriend or boyfriend have or wait until you get married. But, till then dont put self in danger by smoking just to get out of the lonelyness. And theres got to be a time your gonna be or feel lonely ANYWAYS!       


 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 6/2/2006 8:56 PM
Summer, this was a good beginning to a story and I'm sorry you feel this way. 
I would encourage you to read your posting before you hit send.  There are words missing and some of the lines need clarification.  I enjoyed reading it, but the read would be much better with proofing done first.
Sassy *S*

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