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The graveyard | There lies a lonely headstone In a corner of a graveyard Sheltered by a yew tree And covered deep in moss
Yet once so long ago A maiden walked this life This stone just marks a memory Of a young girls broken heart
For she did live And she did love Her heart to give To love untrue
And if you look You'll see her there Silent tears just falling Upon her lonely grave
Tears of remembrance Of a life so cruelly taken Tears at the memory Of the man who took her life
Five score years have passed Since that deadly deed Yet still her ghost will linger For her pain will live eternal Emma | |
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Hi Emma, I'd agree with Eva on this...great atmosphere you evoke here...I had a little trouble with the rhythm...and the last verse dosn't quite make it...(just me thinking...disregard at will)..but the overall effect is suitably melancholic....good poem ! : )lb |
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Thanks Eva and lb  You are probably right about the last verse - I always have a problem with ending poems - not sure why, but the last verse is always the one where it becomes unglued. I shall jiggle around with it and see if I can get something that flows a bit better. Thanks for the advice Emma  |
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