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If I remember correctly you held an apple pie/chicken pie class last year. With the stoneware being on sale next month, this would be a perfect time to conduct this type of "show". Would you be willing to share the specifics of how you did this? Did you order the DD Pie Plates in advance so they would have them to take home after the class? I kinda have an idea of possibly how to go about it but why re-invent the wheel if it has been done before...Thanks for sharing. Waiting to hear and wanting to learn, Sharon |
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Hi Marian, Another question about your Pie Class....How many people do you allow? Do you have a minimum number as well? Thanks! Julie |
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Well, now, Julie, the amount of people you can allow per class will LARGELY depend on HOW MUCH SPACE AND HOW MANY DUPLICATES OF TOOLS YOU HAVE. I limited mine to just 6 people which GREATLY HELPED with a more one-on-one approach in teaching as well as the fact that I live in a tinee tiny house. LOL Anyhoot, 3 years ago when I first started this I had to end up buying a few extras like another Apple P/C/S & Stand, another Pastry Blender & another Classic BB. And boy am I sure glad I did cuz it helped to hasten the pace along. Most people will get real bored if they have to just stand around waiting most of the time. Now if you can get a place that's big enough perhaps you can go in with another consultant (she gets her own students to enroll & pay her while you do the same likewise) to help with those duplicates of necessary items. Me, I just put those "extras" on the Host order of the Show that I submitted the Deep Dish Pie Plates & such on, so thankfully I didn't have to pay full price on them, plus I got commish back on them as well. HTH!! Marian PS Hey, for all you that are conducting Apple Pie Classes this fall how about you post a pic of your class for all of us to see ya?!!! Would LOVE to see ya in action!! TIA!! |
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After all that, I am just drooling. I have to do one of these cooking classes and Apple Pie is one of my specialties. But, one of you must let me in on your Chicken Pie recipe. It sounds so good I need to try it. THANKS for all the class instruction! Jenn |
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.....for you, John!! Marian |
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.....for Beth & anyone else who's been asking!! Marian |
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Hey Marian, I think I asked you this last year, but what are the recipe cards that you include in your class? I don't remember and didn't see it in this post. I had several questions last year about your pie class, but it must've been on a different thread.
PS- where do you suppose we should have our apple pie conference? I'm planning a vacation...... |
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Hi Shannnon, Are you referring to the Chicken/Turkey Pot Pie recipe? If so here's the link: CHICKEN-TURKEY POT PIE.doc. It was found in the Recipes folder under the subfolder of DINNER RECIPES. Btw, I don't think I mentioned anything about handing out CARDS persey, but this IS what I handed out along w/the other Apple Pie related recipes (the pie itself & the pie crust ones). I guess you COULD tweak these to fit on Avery postcards to hand out instead. But I'll leave THAT up to you to play around with!  LOL Now as for your questions from last year???.....Hmmmm, well I was sure hoping that I've answered as much in detail as possible here on this thread....if not, I'll do my best to answer them just as soon as you ask them!  HTH, Marian PS Apple Pie Conference.....I remember that from yesterday's chat....you are TOOOOOO funnnnneeeeeeeeeee!!!! LOL Maybe there's a place we can meet up halfway!!! LOL "And now ladies & gents, let the Great Apple Pie Debate BEGIN!!!" |
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the wording on your invite from last year said recipe "card" which is what made me think you had cards to give away. If it's just a print-out of hte recipe, I can handle that.
Most of the questions you did answer in this thread, but I think I had asked you a couple of things after I made my own pie? Something about my crust not being as flakey and whether or not you could freeze the crusts?
I think what I'm gonna do is have an open house in Sept, have a pie there for everyone to sample, and advertize my pie making class at that time (along with handing out invites to everyone I know). |
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Oh sorry, I didn't realize I had put "card" on the invite. What I ended up handing out were just the recipes printed out on 8-1/2 x 11 sheets of paper stapled together w/all 3 recipes. Now as for your crust not being flaky there could be a number of reasons: 1) Not cold enough water (that's why I suggest using ICE CUBES in the water you add to the crust) 2) Too much handling w/your hands (believe or not the warmth of your hands can begin to heat up/melt the fat in the shortening; that's why I suggest minimum handling) 3) Too much flour, which can lend itself to a tough crust. 4) Using OLD shortening as opposed to FRESH shortening (btw, store your unused shortening AWAY FROM HEAT & keep in a cool place) Here are some more tips found @ Baking911.com when it comes to pie crusts: Pie & Tarts 101. & more specifically on the crust itself go HERE. From that 2nd link: Go With Pea-Sized Fat for Pies: When solid fat (lard, hydrogenated shortening, butter or margarine) is cut into pastry, it results in relatively large pieces of fat. For size reference, we refer to these pieces of fat as being the size of peas. When these fat pieces melt into pools, they give layers for flakiness. If the fat is cut into smaller crumb-sized particles, the pastry will be less flaky but more tender and mealy. In a food science class, stacked pastry strips are used to compare these two methods. The greater height of the strips with fat cut into pea-sized pieces indicates that pastry is more flaky than the one with crumb-sized fat pieces. From Iowa State University. And here's another tip gleaned from the same page: Pinch Test: Use the pinch test often to see if your dough has the right amount of liquid added to it. TO DO: Pick up a small clump and gently squeeze. Stop when the dough just sticks together with small dry cracks. After mixing, the perfect pie crust dough should look crumbly and dry; do not knead the dough to smooth. The next step is to gather and press the dough pieces into a disk and chill it. Now as for FREEZING the unbaked crusts there should be no problem, whether you freeze alone or as an unbaked pie. YEARS ago in my prePC days, I used to roll out about a dozen at a time & then freeze them in (now please don't shoot me...LOL) aluminum tins like you would store bought ones. I'd stack them about 6-8 high with wax paper in between each one & double bag them in 2 gal ziploc bags. Then as I needed them I would take them out & defrost them on the counter & proceeded to use them as a recipe would suggest. The "method to my madness" was this: If you're going to dirty up the kitchen making 2 pie crusts, then why not use the same mess & do up a DOZEN pie crusts!  (Can you tell I like to work SMARTER & not HARDER??!!!) Oh! And I've used those frozen pie crusts up to 6 months down the road. Best wishes on your OH & on getting sign ups for your Pie Making Class!!! (Psst! Don't forget to take pics of your pies from your class to share w/all of us!!  ) Marian |
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Would you mind sharing your Mom's Yummy Apple Dumplings recipe with us? Did you hold your shows like Marion did? Did you charge each student for certing tools for the dumplings recipe? TIA Jenny |
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Marian, Couple of questions for you. What are your favorite colors? And, do you let the pie cool before serving to set up? Serving suggestions? TIA Jenny |
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Now you got me curious thinking about this. I know you said you make lots of pie crusts at the same time and freeze them. Do you freeze each one in it's own individual pie tin? Are the pie tins the same size at the PC pie plate? Does your pie crust recipe multiply well without quality compromise? If you plan to do this class this Sept will you combine all pie plate orders to one big order to save people shipping or divide them all up and have each person pay shipping? The reason I ask is because HO now sends the packing lables in the boxes, which leads me to believe they are keeping track of each persons order. So, if we combine all the pie plates onto one order and ship the show that way, but print each person a receipt as paying for their own show order with shipping there might be a tracking conflict if they have to return it. Know what I mean? Sorry for all the questions just trying to figure out how I can hold this class too.
Thanks again Jenny |
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Sorry, this has taken me a while to get back w/you, but, OMGoodness, Jenny, but you are FULL of questions lady!!!  LOL  Now I'll try my best to answer them all.....  What are your favorite colors? I don't know quite what you mean by colors.....hmmmmm, could ya fill me in on what ya mean by that? And, do you let the pie cool before serving to set up? Serving suggestions? If you mean serving the pie that I make before the class for those who are early birds, well, then yes, I do. I make sure it's been out of the oven for about an hour before the start time of the early bird time so it's cooled down enough to be enjoyed warm ala mode style. As for serving suggestions, I'm assuming you're meaning during the early bird time, then like I just said I serve it w/the option a scoop of vanilla ice cream.....Of course, this also shows off the Ice Cream Dipper!! LOL I know you said you make lots of pie crusts at the same time and freeze them. Do you freeze each one in it's own individual pie tin? When I used to do this, "Yes, I did". Are the pie tins the same size at the PC pie plate? Like I said previously these were in the days BEFORE PC so no, they didn't match the same size as our DDPiePlate. Though, I DO believe they sell Deep Dish pie tins but I'm not sure as to whether or not they match up in size w/our stoneware one. Remember, too, that I stacked them (the aluminum/tin ones) about 6 or 8 high w/wax paper on top of each crust & put them double bagged in a 2 gal ziploc bag. Does your pie crust recipe multiply well without quality compromise? I'm not quite sure what you're talking about "multiplying well". If you mean making a bigger quantity of the recipe like doubling or tripling, well, I can't vouch for that. I've only made the Double Pie Crust recipe which yields 2 pie crusts per recipe. I then gently place each of the pie crust dough balls inside of my CBB & placed the lid on it & then started in on mixing up another batch. When I got to my desired number of pie crusts, I THEN went to the next stage of rolling them all out one at a time. If you plan to do this class this Sept will you combine all pie plate orders to one big order to save people shipping or divide them all up and have each person pay shipping? No. What I charge per person INCLUDES the cost of shipping & tax per pie plate. That way their pie plate is covered w/their own personal PC guarantee, KWIM? The reason I ask is because HO now sends the packing lables in the boxes, which leads me to believe they are keeping track of each persons order. So, if we combine all the pie plates onto one order and ship the show that way, but print each person a receipt as paying for their own show order with shipping there might be a tracking conflict if they have to return it. Know what I mean? I think I already answered that in the previous question. Hope this answers ALL of your questions, Jenny!  Marian PS Geesh, this has taken me a couple of hours of off & on time to answer them all....just too many interuptions & then I got caught up in Chat!! LOL |
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Thanks for all your wisdom Marian! Sorry so many questions. I'm working on recipe 'cards' for your recipes and wanted to put some color on them so that's why I wanted to know what your fav. colors were. I was refferencing serving the pie before the class but also if you make it for yourself. I've read some recipes that say to let it cool for 10 min or so before slicing, so I was just wondering what you did for your pie. Love the Icecream dipper cross sell with the ala mode. I was also thinking of having some warm caramel sauce and chopped nuts on hand. I caught the past tense after I posted on your multi crust making. Oops! Thanks for the tips though. I'll hunt for some deep dish pie tins and see if they fit, if not then maybe I'll just have to line my pie tin with aluminum foil and freeze each one in the pie plate then stack and refreez. I'll do like you did when it comes to multipling the crust recipe then, one recipe at a time. I know some recipes can be ruined if you try to increase the quantity so I wanted to double check. Copy that on the individual order + shipping and tax for one show so everyone gets a receipt. Thank you again for all the time you take to help me and everyone else understand how you work your business. I know I'm still in business because of you and everyone else here on the boards. I greatly appreciate all your insight and generosity to share your knowledge! Since this is such a great thread could we add it to Hot Topics? I'm not sure how to do that. Maybe add your gourmet apples class to it also? Thanks a bunch! Jenny |
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Ah, you're quite welcome, girl friend. Just giving back some of what I, too, have received from others on the boards: what goes around comes around, I suppose. You, too, have been a wealth of info for us on the board! Thanks.  Btw, the reason I like mine to cool a bit longer is so that the filling will have some time to set up & not run out all over the place. Speaking of which, there's a cross sell of the Pie Gate & Slice N Serve! Btw, I love the caramel sauce addition & chopped nuts (cross sells Micro-Cooker & FC). Also, depending on how pieces you have, you COULD serve them on Sm SA Squares. Also, I think I forgot to mention that I also have PC Coffee ready to serve in my PC Carafe as well not to mention the use of SA Coffee & More Cups, so there's 3 more items to cross sell.....To tell you the truth, I haven't run the numbers yet, but I think you could really rack up the amount in product to show & sell at a class like this IYKWIM? Ok, off to do what you suggested w/saving this & the other semi-related topic to our Hot Topics page, Marian |