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Do you all send them to your people in one whole batch?? In groups of say 25-50, so they don't get into Spam filters??
I'm going to start and want to know how those who do them, have found best success.
Thanks for the info.
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I used to send them in groups of 50 or so, but I've uped that to 100. I think merely because I am lazy. |
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My fave motto is: " Why work harder when you can work smarter?!"  And in that light, I set up my own Yahoo group but set it up as a newsletter only group. IOW, only I am allowed to post & the members are not allowed access to the membership info. Going through Yahoo groups has GREATLY helped me stay out of the old spam/junk mail folders. PLUS, I don't have the time-consuming task of having to send out SEVERAL emails of 49 (Juno only allows mass mailings under 50 at one time) each month. What a royal pain in the rear that was!! LOL Now my newsletter goes out to just ONE email addy & that's to my Yahoo Group & to a couple of others that I BCC to & put into a single mailing list cuz their email provider won't even allow for Yahoo groups b/c they consider it spam/advertising. I have over 200 total on my mailing list (& growing every month!). Btw, if you're going to go the Yahoo way, then make sure you have your group set to accept HTML so that all your pretty stuff (fonts, colors, sizing, emblishments like bold, italics, underlines, & pictures) won't get left out, or else all they'll receive in their Inboxes is PLAIN (BORING) TEXT. Also, don't try using MSN groups to set up a newsletter group cuz MSN GREATLY restricts the size of a post & besides MSN does NOT ALLOW for selling of ANYTHING via their groups. PLUS unless you'd set your MSN to private it would be publically viewed & we aren't allowed to announce, much less post our PWS, ANYWHERE on the Net. The only down side to Yahoo groups is that since they are VERY CONCERNED about their groups being used by spammers, they GREATLY RESTRICT the amount of members you can add to a group in a 24 hour period: ONLY 10 per 24 hour period. AND you have to jump through a couple of "url link hoops" before you find the page where you ADD MEMBERS. You'll have to FIRST find the INVITE page & then scroll down to the VERY BOTTOM before you'll find the ADD MEMBERS link. If your mailing list is long, it'll take you a very long time to upload, but just be diligent. It WILL pay off over the long run!! And if you're brand to this, start it NOW while your list is still short!! After EVERY show I go through my drawing slips or after someone has given me their email addy for PC purposes I jump onto to my Yahoo group & just add them right then & there so I won't forget to do it later. Btw, I made up a doc several years ago all about the HOW TO SET UP YOUR OWN GROUP & OTHER eNEWSLETTER TIPS, & uploaded it to the eNewsletter Swap Yahoo group, which the owner over there still uses as part of the monthly reminders. I'll need to dig that one up again & see if I have enough room over here to upload it. If I don't I'll try & upload it over to our sister back up site on Yahoo. Anyhoot, sorry this was sooo long but I DO hope this helps you out a bit, Marian |
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Marian, You ROCK!! I knew if I asked this group I'd get a great answer. Now if you do find the directions I'd love it. How did you decide what to call your "yahoo" newsletter group?? Just curious. Thanks again, Lisa  |
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Ah, gee thanks, Lisa.  Just trying to help out another fellow PCer! Sorry, I haven't found that doc yet, just give me a few, okie doke? Kinda busy today.... OH! And as for the name I came up mine's called MOMMA MARIAN'S KITCHEN KORNER, which happens to be the same name of my newsletter. Sorta long, I know, & if I had to do it over again I'd DEFINITELY shorten it to like MOMMA MARIAN'S KITCHEN or MARIAN'S KITCHEN KORNER or just plain old MARIAN'S KITCHEN. There are a few tips on naming your newsletter as well on that HOW TO & TIPS doc I was talking about. Now, if I can juuuuust find it! LOL Marian |
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me too Please Marian! :) when ever you find it. Thanks~ You're such a blessing! |
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Oh JOY your doc is ABSOLUTELY FANTABULOUS!! As they say "A picture is worth a thousand words...." well, yours says VOLUMES in such a short amount!! Thank you!!! Btw, I will STILL get mine uploaded here or over on WLPCtoo on YAHOO, cuz it does contain some of things that Joy's didn't cover.... but that's ok.... HER'S is AWESOME!!! You might find some duplication of info in the two docs but hey, that's ok, too!! For you, Joy.... Marian |
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Ok, I couldn't find my doc ANYWHERE, SOOOO I did some searching over on the PENS group, & I FINALLY found it!! Unfortunately it was converted to a plain text doc so I had to do some prettying up of it & then redo it as a Word doc. Just a side note, though, while searching over there, I found out that the owner no longer uses it as a monthly reminder [in fact not since last summer!] nor does she have it saved in the docs anymore. Thankfully, Yahoo has a pretty decent search feature so I was able to locate it fairly quickly in a message. It's pretty long - 14 pages - BUT well worth the read IMO. Remember, also, that this doc was created for the Yahoo Group PENS (Pampered chef ENewsletter Swap) so there's alot of reference to that group as well. Well, there ya go. Sorry it took so long. Hope it helps, Marian |
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bUmPiNg this up for ChefWright & KimberlyHB!! Hope this is what you were looking for Suzie?! |
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Yep........ this is the one....... I must have it bookmarked at home (now I have it at work too!) I did a search and then was looking thru the index words trying to find it....... then I got sidetracked!   Thanks!!! |
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 Here's the thread about setting up a Yahoo Group. After you get everyone in there (only 10 a day) it's great!!! All the graphics work this way also.... I had lot's of trouble with pictures not working when I was doing my newsletter myself. HTH~Suzie |
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Well, I finally did it. I'm officially yahoo grouped. Added my first 10 today...only 426 more to go...at 10 a day...ugh!!! In about what...43 days...I'll be up to date with all emails except those from shows today forward! I'm going to set a morning reminder in my Outlook at work to pop up & try to remember to do it every morning. Rita |
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Rita~ It's every 24 hours...... so keep that in mind......... it took me awhile, but it's soooo worth it! Now it's so easy to add them. ~Suzie |
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Thanks for bumping this! I'm going to work on it during the holiday lull. |
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