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 | Piper was quiet as she was hiding in the woods, men where passing her, but not seeing her.. She had been kidnapped but sneaked away before anything bad could happen. She then after a bit when it was clear went taking off down the road, as she finally got to saftey getting home. {Piper} Calling the police. She siad thinking about it, as she then finally went calling the cops so she could hopefully be safe. | |  | |
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 | The Name | Here | The Players | Here | The Thoughts | Here | The Reply | Here | | Roger walked into the house and saw Piper. Roger: You are home. How... He pulled her close to him. Roger: I was going crazy without you. I couldn't find you. | |  | |
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 | She hugged him happy he was here. {Piper} I snuck out, and they weren't able to find me... I was only there so they could get you, but I didn't want that, I wanted us free out here. She said honestly. | |  | |
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 | The Name | Here | The Players | Here | The Thoughts | Here | The Reply | Here | | He pointed to the stuff piled in the corner. Jackson: Jordan and I were getting ready to go in and get you. | |  | |
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 | Piper looked at him as she smiled as she leaned against him {Piper} I'm glad you taught me how to defend myself, it saved my life. | |  | |
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 | The Name | Here | The Players | Here | The Thoughts | Here | The Reply | Here | | He looked at her thinking. Jackson: Did any of the men there touch you? | |  | |
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 | She lowered her head thinking about it as she nodded. {Piper} Yes, I fought i swear, I told him that i was engaged but he didn't care. She said as she was thinking about it. | |  | |
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 | The Name | Here | The Players | Here | The Thoughts | Here | The Reply | Here | | He was pissed now. Jackson: Who was it? | |  | |
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 | She lowerd her head as she felt tears. {Piper} It.. It was your father... | |  | |
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 | The Name | Here | The Players | Here | The Thoughts | Here | The Reply | Here | | He hadn't expected to hear that. Jackson: My father? | |  | |
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 | The Name | Here | The Players | Here | The Thoughts | Here | The Reply | Here | | He punched the wall several times as hard as he could. Jackson: I'll kill him. | |  | |
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 | She shook her head looking at him. {Piper} It wasn't his fault.. he did it to save me... She said {Piper} He stopped them from doing a gang bang, but he had to do it, I just didn't want it.. but I found out after it was too keep me from the whore house. | |  | |
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