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Astral=OBE : out of body experience
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Recommend  Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Adu  (Original Message)Sent: 4/20/2002 8:16 AM
Many years ago I had surgery and before I woke up I suddenly found myself floating in the air above mybody which was laying on the bed below.There were 2 nurses trying to wake me up .There was a white fluffy mist all around the bed .It was a wonderfully calm feeling .As I re-entered my body I woke up .I don't know if I died or what happened but those nurses were pretty excited .I was never told that there was something going on by any of the staff .I didn't tell anyone about that for years for fear they'd think I was nuts !!! I have discovered a lot of non-believers out there as I'm sure many of you have too.I'm glad I had the experience ,it's so much more interesting for me to hear others experiences because of it..............Take care ...Adu

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Recommend  Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥♥AngelLove♥♥Sent: 4/21/2002 9:28 AM
Thought I'd tell you about something that happened, pretty simalar...only it happened to my mum....who is a none beliver...
She had gone to bed & was reading her book, like she does every-night, she had put the book down & was just setteling down to go to sleep, when all of a sudden, she srarted to rise up to the ceiling....she was looking down on her body!!...
She had to fight and struggle to get back down to her body....she said if she haddnt fought to get back...she would be dead!!...
So I asked if now she belived....she STILL said "not really"...
Well you cannot make others belive,I guess...even when something out of the ordinarry happens to them...
Everyone has their own opinions....if they didnt the world would be a very boring place.....dont you think?
Anyway & to all
soulsearcher:aka Melissa xxxxxxxxxx

Recommend  Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: AduSent: 4/21/2002 6:02 PM
Hi soulsearcher ,thanks for sharing your moms experience .Its interesting that she wouldn't believe after that experience !! But your right.... different strokes for different folks. My husband doesn't believe either so we don't discuss these "things" Maybe thats why I'm so excited to have found  this great haven.I've experienced a wonderful, peaceful feeling since I've joined.Thanks for being here  Adu

Recommend  Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Carl_68Sent: 4/22/2002 12:30 AM
Dear Adu;
My name is Carl and I had a similar incident happen to me almost three months ago. If you are interested, my story is on the bulletin board. Titled, Warning, extremely graphic etc... My experience with death and life happened twice in about half an hour. It was very helpful to read your story as it gave me a little insight into my own incident. Thank you and God bless.

Recommend  Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: AduSent: 4/22/2002 7:39 AM
Dear Carl , I read your story and it literally gave me "goose bumps".Isincerely believe everything happens for a reason and you were not meant to die yet .Your story certainly tells me that we definately have a higher power. I hope life will become better for you and that you will find peace and happiness and grow to be a very old man  . It seems to me that you are well on your way to making peace with yourself,that has to come first and other good things will follow.Take care of yourself and may you find your own pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.....   God  Bless    Adu

Recommend  Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Carl_68Sent: 4/22/2002 9:31 PM

Dear Adu;

      Thank you so much for responding.  I think you are right, I do have a higher purpose here on earth.  I have already told my story to others and maybe that's it!  The reason for me being here is to bring others closer to God through my story.  I hop you find true happiness as well,  YOUR pot of gold lies just around the corner too, God bless you forever Adu


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