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Astral=OBE : Interesting Topic
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Recommend  Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNature-spirit1  (Original Message)Sent: 5/14/2006 7:33 PM
I've just spent most of my morning reading here at this lovely site and I see this board hasn't been active since feb. It's such an interesting subject that I only wanted to say I think its a shame. It would be great to see people posting here again.   


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Recommend  Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueBell_One1Sent: 5/14/2006 9:31 PM
Hi Nature-spirit hun
I could not agree more !!
BlueBell xx

Recommend  Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameStinkybinkySent: 5/18/2006 5:40 PM
OK you asked for it.  I was 16 and had a boyfriend who I saw most nights.  This one night I had had a busy day at work and wanted nothing better than to have a bath and hair wash and an early night.
I fell asleep and next thing I was floating out of my body and along the Kenilworth Road in Coventry.  I was floating above the traffic and was following his car.  He drove into Kenilworth to a pub called "The Royal Oak" and went inside.  I followed by floating through the wall and hovered on the ceiling above him.  He was talking to a friend of ours and drinking a pint of shandy when they noticed a young girl sitting on a table by herself.  She wore a sheepskin coat, had long brown hair and was crying.  It turned out that her boyfriend and she had argued and she had gone to the pub to look for him.  My boyfriend asked how she had gotten there and she said she had hitched a lift.  He told her that when he finished his drink he would take her home as it was dangerous to hitch lifts.  They got into his car and I followed them to a row of terraced houses with no front gardens but a green  in front.  He gave her a quick kiss and she got out and went home.  Next night I told him about my "dream" and it transpired that I was correct in every detail.  He asked who the girl was and I said I didn't know as I was floating above her so could only see the top of her head.  When he told me who she was I realised we had met twice before.  He was petrified at the thought I could follow him anywhere.
I have done this since - once by accident and once because I knew I could.  Both times the people involved were quite amazed when I gave them details of places and rooms I had never even visited.
I will often visit spirit realms a few months after family members have passed on - because I have been invited and they are waiting for me. 
I didn't realise at 16 that I could astral travel - in fact I had never heard of it, but now I know I can do it I use ot sparingly.

Recommend  Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueBell_One1Sent: 5/18/2006 8:56 PM
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!

Recommend  Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNature-spirit1Sent: 5/21/2006 12:07 AM
I have to say wow on this as well. Thanks for sharing your story with us Stinky. I did ask for it and really appreciate you telling us. I can only recall 1 experience where I knew I astral travelled but nothing at all like yours. Mine was over very quick but I sure enjoyed it. I knew what happened when I came back because as a teen my brother and I use to practice being able to do it but I had never acheived it until yrs later when I was being abused by a boyfriend and suddenly it happened and I'm sure it's what gave me the strength to pull myself together and leave the situation. It's an amazing thing and guess thats why I love to hear others who have also experienced it.

Thanks again Stinky.  


Recommend  Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePOLLY-ANNA2Sent: 7/23/2006 2:51 PM
THANK HEAVEN!!!! Im not ALONE Binky ....I thought I was going Crazy....
I also can Astral Travel...I have done quite a lot until i ws very ill then i couldnt with the meds i was on....
My 1st encounter was when i was about 6yrs old to young to realise.. I was on holiday with the family  and on the beach with my nana when I said i have been to MARGATE... she said no bab you have never been there i said I have nana and proceeded to tell her what the sea front was like,,,,she was it was where my nan and gramps had spent a few days with her brother when they where married ...It was never talked about in the family of what the place looked like....
Nana asked me how long had i known i had been there and i said ..I had a dream about it ...Little did I know this was astral travel...especially at a young age...Nana always aid I had been here before....
There have been some astral travel that wasnt so nice...and I was able to learn from these...I have NEVER spoken of this before only my nana who passed over knew about it.....So im NOT going
And anyone who does hve astral experiences please dont be afraid of them.....i prefer them to lifes dreadful flashbacks i get...

Recommend  Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname¤Rävën¤Sent: 7/25/2006 9:48 PM
Thankyou for sharing Polly Anna
I read that your astral travel stopped due to your medication at the time, so I presume this is why my astral attempts stopped!
Always good to know someone else has been in that situation
Love Raven xx

Recommend  Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePOLLY-ANNA2Sent: 7/26/2006 12:33 AM
Hi Raven ...Yes I get snippets on the Astrals now...Like returning and the heavy thumpp of my body back on the i know im out there just vant remember as well as i could before....Perhaps one day it will return .

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