Every day is a chance to make a difference. It's fast, free and easy. With the simple click of a coloured button visitors provide funding to aide those in need. Visitors pay nothing. Site sponsors pay for all funding to benefit thevarious support agencies that bring relief to our world - remembering to click is the hardest part! FAQ's Launched in October 2002, The Child Health Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific need -- saving children's lives and improving the quality of their health. Over 200,000 children die every week from preventable causes, and many millions more suffer from preventable disease, cureable blindness, landmines and other crippling accidents FAQ's Originally launched in June 1999, The Hunger Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific humanitarian need; the eradication of world hunger. On average, over 220,000 individuals from around the world visit the site each day to click the "give free food" button and help feed the hungry. FAQ's Since its launch in July of 2002, the site has established itself as a clear leader in online activism and a dynamic force in the effort to give all animals the happy, healthy lives they deserve. In The Animal Rescue Site's first year of operation, 22.9 million bowls of food were funded for animals in need. FAQ's Originally launched in May 2000, The Rainforest Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific ecological need -- the preservation of the worlds rainforests. Individuals from around the world visit the site each day to click the "Save Our Rainforests" button and help rescue imperiled land. In just its first year of operation, The Rainforest Site generated funds to purchase and preserve over 5,650 acres of endangered land. FAQ's The Breast Cancer Site was founded to help offer free mammograms to underprivileged women nationwide -- women for whom early detection would not otherwise be possible. Since its launch in October 2000, the site has established itself as a clear leader in online activism and in the fight to prevent breast cancer deaths.