The Circle of Life, the Medicine Wheel, the Sacred Circle is divided into Four Quarters and we consider all aspects of our life in the context of what each Quarter represents. There are Four directions: South, West, North and East. There are Four parts in everything that grows from the Earth: the Roots, the Stem, the Leaves and the Fruit. There are Four kinds of Creatures: those that Swim, those that Crawl, those that Walk, and those that Fly. There are Four Times that we measure our lives by: the Night, the Day, the Moon, and the Year. There are Four levels of Understanding: Innocence, Introspection, Wisdom, and Illumination. At the South is Innocence, the Roots, those that Swim, the Night. This is the time of Conception, when a child floats in the womb of the Mother and absorbs all that She will give. The infant is taught through experience and absorption, and relates all this learning to becoming the Self. At the West is Introspection, the Stem, those that Crawl, the Day. This is the time of Discovery, when a child explores the World at large. The child is taught through experience, instruction, and relates all this learning to identifying the Self. This is where a child learns values, respect and their place in their Family and Community. At the North is Wisdom, the Leaves, those that Walk, the Moon. This is the time of Practice, when an adult carries responsibility. The adult is taught through experience, honing their skills as they live. This is where an adult claims their place in World and learns the complexity and interconnections between Self, Family, Community, Society and the World. At the East is Illumination, the Fruit, those that Fly, the Year. This is the time of Sharing, when an Elder teaches the wisdom they live. This is when the Elder reconnects fully with Creation and returns to the Creator. And the Circle continues this way. This page courtesy of ~Morrigan Sidhe MacLloyd @ MacLloyd's Murias This page may be used for religious education by nonprofit groups providing information content, copyrights and credits are not altered and/or deleted. Layout, graphics and design may be changed to suit individual needs. ~ 2001 Indigo Bridge Cooperative |