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Discussions : Going with the flow:
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From: MSN Nickname»®ed«·»Ph¤enïX«  (Original Message)Sent: 7/11/2005 6:30 AM
In a good many of my years regarding occult study, the thing that interests me most is energy. Bio-energy that living conscious beings produce and radiate, the magnetic energy of the planet (and her elements) and the meta-physical energy we attribute to spiritual or Other realm. In order to learn how I can function at my best in this life, I try to pay attention to how these energy fields and frequencys fits together for me and how they are applied to our lives. So forgive me if this is a bit of a ramble ...
This weekend I had the pleasure of participating in an open circle, that was rather eye opening for me in a few ways. I've been conducting my own rituals and practices completely solo for a long time, therefore my participation in the local group has been an interesting experience in itself... a kind of on-going lesson of group dynamics and such. There are times I'm more involved then others, and when I'm not I still try to pay attention regardless. My reactions to the events tend to vary according to the intensity and focus of the circle. Some are tiring, some are nuetral, some do nothing for me at all ... and then theres the ones that I just seem to plug into. A new vista opens up and I'm seeing things on a whole different level.
... On an aside, exploring the local pagan community has offered excellent opportunities to meet and discuss ideas and curiousities with the various clergy and pagan 'leaders' (if such a thing exists officially) Much to my appreciation almost every time I've wanted to discuss something I have been treated fairly, honestly.... and  patiently (I hope) as I constantly ask questions, lol ....
So anyways, one of those unexplored vistas opened up at my feet this weekend. Let me just say that circle energy fascinates me, it always has....I have to admit that I'm often paying closer attention to the energy and dynamics of the circle then the priest/ess (no offense, meant) unless he or she is a powerhouse in their own right, lol ...
Saturday, before ritual I was asked to participate in the purification of the circle and represent Water's west quarter. I was a little nervous for a variety of reason, but knew I was going to do it anyways. So, I stood at the edge of the bay and offered my services. 
Circle began with music, a simple chant that created a focus within those gathered, as that sound rose and gathered energy, we moved smoothly into another with a new pattern that seemed to strengthen the first one. Its one thing to read about group energy  (and sound) its another to feel it. When the priest brought the water dish to me, and I begun the purification it was like stepping into a flowing stream, people and things kind of receeded one step to the left from this sensation and when I had completed the circle and returned to the quarter I was totally plugged into the circle itself. Imagine standing in a trench circle full of moving water, where you can follow the circle through the movement that washes through you and over your feet. It fascinated me, plain and simple. I sat there with a waterfall tumbling through me that flowed down and into the circle, watching it behind closed lids I immersed myself in the experience. Water reacted different when it came to the priestess (who stood 2 to my right and the priest (who stood beside me on the left) ... in my minds eye I saw it dip beneath them  or slip around instead of running through them as it did the rest of the circle. That makes me curious. By the time we closed the circle I was feeling like I had just finished off a few coffees, lol without the jitters. In fact, I haven't slept in 40 hours.
It makes me wonder if this is what every quarter feels. Its probably different for everyone since its the interest that directs the focus... for me its energy, for someone else it may be the personification of the Quarter, or something else, I don't know (maybe others that regularly represent the Quarters will answer my curiousity on that one). I don't want my expectations to colour any future experiences, but I am very interested in what the other ones (elements) are like ... will I be fortunate enough to have this kind of group focus again the next time I participate in purification, who knows. But I do think it will be kinda interesting to follow it through and see where it'll lead.

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     re: Going with the flow:   MSN Nickname£ÔRÐ×ß4ÐG3R�?/nobr>  7/12/2005 7:30 AM