"I recently bought a nifty little gadget from an
online catalogue for shaving one's legs. It's a piece
of stiff rubbery tubing with a narrow opening which
will hold the handle of most any disposable razor.
It's a little over a foot long, and the tubing is stiff
enough to keep the razor straight, but not solid like
PVC pipe. It extends my reach so I don't have to bend
as far, which throws off my balance.
I also bought a
track cleaning brush that looks almost like a toilet
bowl brush in miniature, but it has much stiffer bristles
and instead of an oval curve, the two sides are more
pushed together so you can clean both tracks at once.
It works wonderfully on sliding shower or medicine
cabinet doors. I'll have to experiment and see if it
fits in my razor holder, too. : )
Both came from the online