In the meantime...
You really do need to start to keep a pain diary, hon. Just every day write down what your average pain level is on a one to ten scale. (One being the least pain and ten being the most pain you've ever had in your life.)
And yes, it's quite all right to vent here. That's what we're all about. Vent away. We're here to listen. And yes, we understand.
Withdrawal is like the worst case of flu you ever had. You'll get diarhea and you'll vomit and every mucus membrane in your body will start to shed water at a tremendous rate. Try to stay hydrated if you can. Lay in some ginger ale, as that often is the only thing that will stay down, and get ready to just camp near the toilet and the shower. Oh yeah. You're right. The pain will be... not good.
This is the voice of experience here. I have a morphine pump. It's malfunctioned a couple of times and put me into withdrawal. It's pretty miserable, but you will survive, and if you've just been on pain pills it may not even be that bad. But it won't be any fun.
Hugs and lots of love,