Don't worry Sharona, you aren't the only one who probably won't see it...I doubt I'll see it even after it's out on least, for a long while anyway.
When 'Saving Private Ryan' came out and they spoke of the realism of the battle scenes, I knew I wasn't going to see it anytime soon. I grew up on 'War Stories' from both my Grandparents...the battle aspects from my Grandfather, and the nursing aspects from my Grandmother. I once had a medical tome of hers' that had a chapter dedicated to 'war wounds'...ever see what happens to flesh when a phosphoric bomb goes off? took years for me to 'watch' it, and a long while to get over it. I owned the DVD of the concert for the families of the victims of September 11th, (recorded one month after the Towers fell), for two years before I could watch it fully, and not just the music presentations.
Knowing of the horrors of torture and betrayal are one thing...actually 'watching' it is a whole 'nother.
But...if this film inspires interest and an understanding into Christ, then I guess the time has come for this movie to show the world why Jesus allowed His fate to reach fruition.
As it stands...Jesus is the only central figure of a 'belief system' who never harmed anyone, never called for the death of a race of people with differing beliefs, and certainly never would have sanctioned suicide bombers randomly killing innocent people.
Maybe it's time for the world to see the real Jesus...that part of the world that hasn't had the chance to know that there's another choice over hatred, envy and control of masses by fear...His truth is pure and for everyone to have.
With love...