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Energise Your Home


Our homes are mirrors of ourselves. They reflect our interests, our beliefs, our hesitations, our spirit and our passion. They tell a story about how we feel about ourselves and the world around us. A home is more than a place to lay your head and seek comfort from the elements. It is a place where you can interface with the universe. It is a crossing point in time and space that can attract or repel energy.

Your home can be a place of renewal and hope. It can be a sanctuary within which you can retreat and recharge during the changing times, an oasis of peace amidst turmoil. Homes can be places of healing and regeneration. Not only can your home help to strengthen and heal you, but your home can be a template of harmony within which you and all who enter can be invited to step up to a higher level of spiritual frequency.

After clearing your home, you may want to enhance the energies in it. There are several ways to do this, and I can not mention them all here. However, in addition to natural objects, hand-made objects, happy photos, and colors, there are stones and aromatics. You will find examples of these gems and scents below.


Energizing Stones and Their Properties.

Agate: stabilizing and balancing: red agate energizes; blue agate calms

Amber: excellent for absorbing negativity

Amethyst: invokes feminine spiritual energy,calming and soothing

Aquamarine: soothing, calming, Atlantean

Aventurine: healing, eases breathing

Bloodstone: detoxifying, healing and strengthening

Carnelian: focuses and motivates, confidence and action

Citrine: clears thoughts, confidence, communication, decision-making

Coral: physical strength and determination

Fluorspar: creativity and spiritual awareness

Garnet: activates passion and life force

Jade: healing, soothing, abundance

Lapis Lazuli: spiritual awakening

'Malachite: calming, wisdom, peace

Rose Quartz: love, children, family, creativity

Sugalite: inner vision, meditation

Smoky Quartz: abundance, wisdom, good choice for house crystal

Tiger's Eye: grounding, focusing

Tourmaline: grounding, neutralizes negativity, psychic protection, purifying

Turquoise: spirit, strength, success, fulfilment protection

Moonstone: feminine, ethereal, love

Pearl: love, feminine, moon, water

Sodalite: spiritual awakening


Energizing Aromas and Their Properties.

Apple: Love, Peace, Happiness

Bergamot: Peace, Happiness, Restful Sleep

Broom: Protection of Home, Purification, Peace

Carnation: Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Love, Health

Cinnamon: Physical Energy, Psychic Awareness, Prosperity

Clove: Healing, Memory, Protection, Courage

Eucalyptus: Health, Purification, Healing

Fressia: Love, Peace

Gardenia: Peace, Love, Spirituality

Ginger: Magical Energy, Physical Energy, Sex, Love, Money, Courage

Geranium: Happiness, Protection

Jasmine: Love, Peace, Spirituality, Sex, Sleep, Psychic Dreams

Juniper: Protection, Purification, Healing

Lavender: Health, Love, Celibacy, Peace, Conscious Mind

Lemon Balm: Peace, Money, Purification

Myrhh: Spirituality, Meditation, Healing

Orange: Purification, Joy, Physical Energy, Magical Energy

Pine: Healing, Purification, Protection, Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Money








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