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 Grounding And Protection

Part 1

As living beings, we tend to hold onto energy that doesn't belong to us, as if it were our own. Grounding is the most overlooked tool yet one of the most important tools a psychic has in her/his toolbox. Grounding is a vital tool in spiritual work as it connects you to Mother Earth and her healing energy. To be grounded is to be in your body connected to and sustained by the energy of Mother Earth. With your connection with Mother Earth you are able to filter out negativity and bring in clean pure loving healing energy. Grounding also brings you, as a spirit, back into your body here on the physical plane. This will allow you to feel clearer, more balanced and in the present moment.
The importance of grounding yourself is illustrated below
1. To be balanced, be centered
2. Let go of old, unwanted or negative energy
3. Bring in positive energy from Mother Earth
4. Brings calmness and peacefulness within
5. Strengthen you
6. Most importantly a method of healing yourself
Some symptoms of being ungrounded are fatigue, dizziness, feeling lightheaded, unfocused, headaches, spaced out feeling, out of touch and drained. 
There are many different methods to grounding yourself to Mother Earth.
1. One of the most important ways is to drink lots of water and eat a healthy balanced diet. Cooking with herbs and spices in your meals brings forth a grounding element to your meals. Eating root vegetables, grains and carbohydrates are always good also. Avoiding alcohol, drugs and unhealthy food is essential to being grounded.

2. Being a part of nature being in nature. You may take walk in nature barefooted or hugging a tree is always good. Sitting on the earth, on a riverbank, swimming in a lake, river, or the ocean. 

3. Salt is another great tool to being grounded. Whether you take a swim in the ocean or by taking a bath with bath salts or a homemade salt and herb bath recipe. As salt facilitates release of toxins of mental, emotional and physical nature. Also brings in calmness and purifies you, your mind and your spirit.
4. Or can be done by visualization and meditations.
~*Grounding Meditation*~
Start with getting comfortable, relax your mind and body......Please have your feet flat on the floor and your spine straight doing so allows the energy flow to flow without blocks…�?.Breathe in......Breathe out......feel each breath filling you with white light and calmness. With each exhale feel the anxiety, stress and any negativity in your body leave your body and mind......Breathe........ Inhale the light Exhale the dark.........Breathe.........
Just breathe and let go of any thoughts or feelings........Just be.......
         When you are relaxed and calm, bring your awareness to your feet ……breathe…�?Really feel that connection to the ground. Now visualize roots coming straight out of the soles of your feet. See your roots traveling down into through the floor……breathe…�?.Feel those roots as they travel deeper, through the floor through the foundations of the building. Feel them extend straight into the earth below�?.breathe……�?and into the warmth of the Earth‘s core……Take a moment and secure your roots by tying them onto rocks or posts that are securely imbedded into Mother Earth’s core.
  Please take your time relax and do not rush yourself go at your own pace…�?breathe…�?.You now feel and are connected to the earth. You are sturdy and rooted into Mother Earth.
  Breathe……at this time I would like you to visualize the healing energy of Mother Earth coming up through your roots filling your body……healing you and loving you…�?.breathe…�?
 Click on next for Part 2

By  hawyngoddess

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