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  Wairua Healing 4  



Wairua Healing


Anyone can learn to heal. You have to believe in you can and learn to connect to the Source.You are like the 'middle person' who brings the healing from the Source to the person.

Everyone has the ability to tap into ' the source' and bring in energies of higher vibration that heal and balance out the person's Wairua - life-force energies. If the person you are with has over-come the emotional problems linked to the ailment - you will be successful. This includes self-healing. Ailments originate from many levels of our bodies - as we have seven sheath bodies. The physical level is where we experience the final manifestation of the ailment because we live in third dimension.

For example - the person has problems with a hand - they most likely do not want to do something related to the use of that hand - usually the hand they write with. If you prefer to say a karakia or use 'white light' protection while you work - please do so. Some people ask their Source in the healing to be sure that the imbalanced energies of the person do not come into your energy fields. You are there to balance the person. Wash your hands before and after the healing. Find a place that is quiet to do your healing. You can recite a karakia, waiata or use soft music or no music. The person you are working with should be at peace and feel comfortable that you will do no harm to them - and WILL heal - or alleviate the problems.

Wairua Hononga

Let's first determine which hand works best for you. Hold both hands out in front of you - palms up. Focus your attention on your left hand and experience the flow of energy coming from your hand. Next mentally focus on your right hand and see how strong the energy from that hand feels. One palm should feel stronger energy flow - hotter - more tingles - whatever your body relates to! Now place your hands - palms facing each other - just in front of you. Keep them about 3 inches - 7.6 cm - apart. Move your hands slowly - back and forth. Feel the lines of energy between your palms. Now slowly move your palms further away from each other.

See how far out you can go before you no longer feel the 'pull' of the energies. When the energies stop - move your palms back and forth slightly in opposite directions and you should continue to feel the energies. If you had an aura camera it would record the lines of energy in photos.

Now let's tap in to ' the Wairua [source]'.

Your mental frame of reference for the Wairua could be - a white Light - a spirit guide - a religious figure - healing master - your higher self - yourself as a healer in another realm - the computer in the pyramid - a sea of consciousness connecting all things - the grids - something external from our reality - whatever. Now connect with that Wairua source (Plug in). Allow that energy to come through you. You may feel - hot - dizzy - exhilarated - other - depends on how out of balance you are and how your physical vehicle (body) reacts to the energies!!

Get used to that energy and balance your body's flow of energy today.

Working with Plants. Find a small plant - preferable one that has problems.Place it on a table in front of you. Place your hands in front of you, palms up.

Tap in to Wairua [Source].

Feel the energies start to move through your body . . .Feel the vibrations in the palms of your hands . . .Place your hands on either side of the plant (about 3 inches away from the plant).

Send energy back and forth between your palms.

Imagine the flow-lines of positive energy between your hands. Allow your mind to become one with the plant - connect energetically.If you are telekinetic - the plant - or its leaves - may move slightly! You may receive mental images from the plant.'See' the plant healthy.

You may have to repeat this daily for several days.

Whakaora Tahau

Sit down or lie down in a peaceful place . . . Extend you palms upward . . . Feel your connection to Source . . . Feel the energies moving through the palms of your hands. . . Relax . . . Breath deeply . . . Close your eyes . . . Mentally connect with your physical body to see where there is pain . . . Now place your hands on that area and send the healing energies. If the pain is in your back, You can send healing through the front of your body and it will reach your back . . . If you do not have pain . . .Just place your hands on your heart wairua and send energy of light and love. It will make you glow when you meet others today!! Pay attention to their reactions to you. If your pain is emotional . . . placing your hand on your heart wairua it will work in the same way to help alleviate the pain. Of course you can not erase emotional pain using your hands - but it can raise your frequency and lift some of the depression. It can bring you some balance.

ty to for this information






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