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Psychic and Spiritual Terminology

Astrologers believe that evolution goes through cycles corresponding to the signs of the zodiac, each lasting from 2,000 to 2,400 years. New Age advocates say we are now moving from the cycle associated with Pisces into the one associated with Aquarius. The Acquarian Age will supposedly be characterized by a heightened degree of spiritual or cosmic consciousness.
A person sending a telepathic message.
Imperishable records of every person's every word, thought or act inscribed in the earth or spirit realms .
The physical body.
The belief that inanimate things (such as plants) possess a soul or spirit. New Age advocates see animism as a way of rededicating the earth.
An esoteric cult founded by German mystic Rudolf Steiner. The term literally means "wisdom of man." It teaches that we possess the truth within ourselves. 
Refers to those who have reached the highest level of spiritual consciousness and have become guides of the spiritual evolution of mankind.
This is reinterpreted in a mystical way to refer to the rise of the "Christ-consciousness" in man-kind. It describes the awareness that man is divine.
A spiritual body capable of projection from the physical body. The astral body survives death.
Soul travel occurring particularly during sleep or deep meditation.
A New Age counterpart to prayer. Also re-ferred to as at-one-ment, the term relates primarily to the New Age idea that complete oneness with God can be experienced by human beings.
Radiated glow or halo surrounding living beings.
Writing produced without conscious thought of a living person; written message given through a spirit guide with a pencil or typewriter.
A person who "descends" into human form from above as a manifestation of divinity and who reveals divine truth to people. Such a one has progressed beyond the need to be reincarnated in another body (i.e., there is no further "bad karma" to work off).
Hindu sacred scripture.
This is understood by some New Agers to refer to the "life-energy" of the Cosmic Christ. This "blood" flowed from the cross into the etheric (or spiritual) realms of the earth. From these realms, the Christ seeks to guide the spiritual evolution of mankind.
A being who has earned the right to enter into Nirvana or into illumination, but instead voluntarily turns back from that state in order to aid humanity in attaining the same goal. The Christ is said to be a Bodhisattva.
"The Enlightened One." An avatar or messenger.
See Kabala
A New Age form of mediumship or spiritism. The channeled yields control of his/her perceptual and cognitive capacities to a spiritual entity with the intent of receiving paranormal information.
A New Age educational community located in the Pacific Northwest. This group sponsors both long and short-term educational programs on personal and social transformation, New Age spirituality, and how to live with an ecological perspective.
Ability to hear mentally without using the ears.
Ability to see mentally without using the eyes, beyond ordinary time and space limits; also called "Second Sight."




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