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Getting to Know your Guides and how they work.
We all have many Guides to help us, but the Four Guides that I will discuss here are the ones that are stronger around you. These are your Healing Guide, Clairvoyant Guide, Mater Guide and Door Master. I also hope to help you become more in tune with your individual Guides. We all have the ability to get in touch with Our Guides. Most people have heard of Guides, but feel that because they cannot see, or hear them, they feel they are not there for them. The more aware you become of them, the more you will be able to be in tune with them. These Souls can be a great help to you in this lifetime, helping you to learn and grow.
We were spirits before we came into our physical bodies, and of cause we still are.  
Through lifes experiences and Lessons, we may have lost or forgotton how to use our Psychic ability. Some people do use it in everyday life, some call it a gut feeling, or intuition. Young babies and children can and do use their Psychic ability, as it is still fimilar to them, that is because they are still new from the spirit world. We can relearn to use this ability to help others and ourselves. Your Guides are there to help you to learn that and much more.
Most Guides will and do change as you evole. They move off and another Guide takes it place. Your Guides are always there to advice and teach you. But once you have learnt all you can from one particular Guide they then move on and another Guide replaces your last one. This Guide will have new and exicting Teachings to show you. Most people find it hard to let go of the old guides as they feel safe and secure with them. Thats's why you may not want to let go, its like losing one of your best friends. Your old Guide will stay around if you feel you still need them, and they are never too far away. Remember this. They also need to move on to whatever they have chosen to move onto. There is only one Guide around you that will never change throughout your lifetime and this is your Master Guide. (explained more in the next part).
To first get to know the feeling of your Guides when they are near you, ask for each one individually to step forth, you will find that each Guide will stand on different sides of you. You should be able to identify each Guide from whatever side that you feel them.
First you will need to find a quite and comfortable place.
Maybe play soft music in the background.
Then quieten your self down as for mediation.
Ask for The Love and Light of Protection.
When you feel safe and peaceful ask for one Guide to step forth. (You may want to ask the Guide to step forth through your higher self.)  
Lets start with with your healing Guide.
This Guide normally comes from your left side.
Ask for your Guide to take hold of your hands, so you can feel this Guide there with you.
Just spend some time getting to know the feeling of this Guide.
Ask for a name.
You may not get a name straight away, dont worry this will come with time.
It is more important to be able to feel what Guide is there with you.
You will feel a wonderful connection with each of your Guides. This is because you have being together before, normally through a past life and in Spirit World. When I have held workshops to help people get in contact with their Guides, this can be a emotional and wonderful feeling for the individual, as the connection is so strong for them.
We can also have a lot of loved ones that are now in the Spirit World, and can feel them around us at certain times. If you feel them around you, then talk to them, and tell them how life is and whats's going on in your life, talk with them as if they are still with you physically. For this is a wonderful way to still feel the connection between the both of you.
Written by Michelle Madsen from her book "Simplicity"
Click on Next to read "Master Guide"








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