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Different Forms Of  Mediumship

At first I intended to start tonight with workshops, however I realised that we only have talked so far about the difference between psychic and mediumistic communications and also the various types of spirit communication.

But we also need, before we start with workshops also talk about the various forms of mediumship.

There are 3 types: Mental Mediumship

Physical Mediumship

Healing Mediumship


Let as look at mental mediumship first. There are the types of spirit communication we discussed last time. But there is also trance. When a medium is entranced the spirit of the medium steps aside and gives way to allow the guide to control the body of the medium. In this way there is no interference from the medium to the messages conveyed by the spirit guide. Most of the spirit teachings have been received this way.

Automatic handwriting and art can also be created this way. I must stress the point here that spirit can only work through a medium in trance if the medium is willingly

cooperating. It cannot happen without the consent of the medium, and there is no danger that the medium is in trance for longer than the agreed time.

This applies for full trance. However there are various degrees of trance, from very light, where the medium is fully conscious of everything that is going on, to the full blown trance where the medium is totally unaware of everything around. But you have to understand here that the spirit of the medium is still in control, just has temporarily stepped aside to allow the guide to communicate.

Now Physical Mediumship:

Physical Phenomena can happen if a medium is in trance, but this need not to be so.

Normally there is a circle of people attending what is called a séance. The people in the circle sit FOR the Physical Medium. Those circles generally meet once a week.

Often it takes years before any physical phenomena happen. Now what are these?

Physical Phenomena?

Modern Spiritualism is accepted nowadays to have begun with the Fox Sisters and the

Hydesville rappings. If you want to know more about it check out the website of

Physical Phenomena are: noises (knocks where no normal natural explanation can be found). If that happens and this was the case in Hydesville, a Morse code was used to

convey messages by spirit.

Another forms are transfiguration, materialisations, direct voice, objects (generally a paper trumpet) flying through the air, and apports.

Now I have to make one point clear here. If physical mediumship is involved and physical phenomena occur EVERY ONE PRESENT experiences the same , exactly the same. Physical mediumship has declined very much over the last 50 years or so

And mental mediumship is now predominant, where as in the past it was the other way round.

Now the most common form of physical phenomena is transfiguration. At one time this was done only in red light. Today it is done also in daylight. What is transfiguration? When a medium transfigures a substance called ectoplasm is produced and used to produce an image of a loved one in spirit. This can happen over the face of the medium only but also covering the whole body of the medium. It is like a shell covering the features of the medium and the spirit features ( as the loved one looked while on earth) are seen by all present at that time. This has been photographed under laboratory conditions. I personally know the medium used for this. Her name is Jean Skinner and she travels worldwide demonstrating transfiguration. If you ever get the chance to see her, don’t miss it.

Materialisation is similar, except that the whole body of the loved one is brought forward , but away from the medium, that is there may be yards not just feet of

Separation between the medium and the appearance and often the appearance is solid can be touched and felt I personally have not seen this.

Helen Duncan was during and after World War 2 the most renowned physical medium for materialisations in the UK. A well known fact is that the British secret service at one time suspected her of collaboration with the Germans, but under investigation this was found to be not so. The reason for this was this. There was a séance and a young sailor came through who served on the battleship Hood. He said that he had died and the Hood was sunk. At that time even the British Admiralty did not know this. This is historic fact.

Apports are when material artefacts of any kind appear out of nowhere. These artefacts remain and are not taken away again. Its like beam that there Scotty in startrec.

What you might find most surprising ids that healing is also mediumship. Here often

Physical mediumship is also present, for instance the disappearance of cancers or tumours, or the freeing of frozen joints from arthritis. Now how does that work?

Spiritual Healing is defined as being a form of healing by the uses of forces and energies from the World of Spirit, channelled through the Healer by the laying on of hands on or near the body, or prayer or the direction of thought from a distance.

A Spiritualist Healer is a Healer who practices Spiritual Healing in accordance with the philosophy and teachings of Spiritualism.Spiritual Healing is for the whole person, that is, for the non-physical aspects of ourselves (such as the emotions, the mind) as well as for the physical body.

From the above definitions, it can be seen that a Healer is a medium that works with the Spirit World and those "patients" in the physical world who come to the Healer for Healing. The Healer is used as a channel (or link) between the Spirit World and the patient, allowing the Healing Energies to flow from the Divine Source to the patient. This then allows the patient to use these energies through positive thoughts to improve their health on whatever level of being they are in need. Hence the expression "from Spirit, through Spirit, to Spirit".

The first "feelings" or "sensations" that a patient will probably experience are relaxed, being calm and uplifted, a little warmth or a little cool (neither of which have any effect on the Healing). With a positive attitude and positive thoughts, the patient then uses the Healing Energies to improve their own condition, whatever that may be.

By this process, it is hoped that the patient will receive some benefit from the Healing, the degree of which cannot be determined by the Healer. No-one, be they a Doctor, Nurse, Spiritual Healer or any other practitioner can ever guarantee a cure, there are many factors that determine how much benefit a patient will receive from any form of Healing.

A Healer is not allowed to diagnose problems, prescribe medication, offer advice on treatment or countermand a doctor's advice to a patient. All of these things are the responsibility of a qualified medical practitioner

There are different ways of bringing the Healing energies to a patient:

* Contact Healing whereby the Healer will work by the laying on of hands, physically touching the patient in a courteous and dignified manner, always being aware of sensitive areas.

* Near-to-the-body Healing is similar to contact Healing except that the Healers hands will be within a few inches of the patient but not touching the physical body.

* Distant Healing whereby the Healer and patient are close to each other (for example: in the same room) but not in the manner for Contact Healing or Near-to-the-body Healing, and the Healer, with the co-operation of the Spirit World, directs Healing Energies to the patient by thought from a distance.

* Absent Healing whereby the patient is not in the same place as the Healer (they might even be on opposite sides of the world) and the Healer or other person requests that Healing Energies be directed to the patient by prayer to the Divine Source and thought to those in the Spirit World.

Religion plays no part in Spiritual Healing because it is a natural process that is universally available to everyone and everything regardless of race, colour and creed.

Written By RedEagle

Copyright 2003










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