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Stretching back into the corridors of time

'Kundalini' literally means coiling, like a snake.

This energy is described as a sleeping serpent coiled three and a half times at the base of your spine.

In fact, her name comes from the Sanskrit kundala which means 'coiled'.

Kundalini is the active property, unconscious in most, which functions under the direction of Universal Law, DNA, and the subconscious mind. .

Kundalini rising experiences vary a lot from person to person. They can happen in a sudden, drastic whoosh, or in repeated bursts extending over a longer period of time. Or both. The important thing about recognizing it, is to remember that it is very powerful, a radical change in one's energy.

The process should be gradual as one raises one frequency thorugh meditation - or the like.

Perhaps more meaningfully kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine.

kundalini can be thought of as a rich source of psychic energy in our unconscious.

The kundalini feels like a warm liquidy magnetic energy when it rises up the spine.

Once awakened, you will find that the kundalini gradually rises and then slowly subsides within the spine.

Kundalini usually releases only enough bio-electricity to give a person enough energy for her/his daily round of needs.

Kundalini takes energy in its raw form and converts it into fine spiritual energy which then allows activation of activities such as good quality OBE's, telepathy, matter/energy conversion, and communication with entities

Physical symtoms connected to the opening of the kundlini may include crackling noises at the base of the neck, and unexplained headaches.

Kundalini energies are often triggered by a blow to the head or other physical trama.

Releasing the Kundalini energy too quickly can have serious emotional effects on a person.


be in a quiet place . . .or be in nature.

Find a quiet place free of distractions. . .

Sit down or lie down . . .

Find a position that is comfortable for you . . .

Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts . . . Relax your body . . .

Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing . . .

Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed

Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace. . .

Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go . . .

Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed . . .

Focus on your breathing. . .

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. . .

Retain the breath as long as is comfortable. . .

Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely. . .

Repeat for two more breaths . . .

Concentrate on your breathing.

Once your mind is quiet and relaxed

rest your hands on your lap or a table

start slow deep breathing through your nose.

Eventually, you will slip into a an alpha state.

your third eye or crown chakra will awaken, you will see brilliant flashes of light in your mind, be brought instantly out of trance state, and feel alot of bliss.

Now focus your attention on your chakras.

Starting from the top of your head see your crown chakra opening . . .

Feel your connection to spirit.

Bring in the white light . . .

Feel in enter the top of your head and slowly moving down through your spine.

The white light opens your third eye chakra . . .

you may see images of vibrant colors especially in blue, and violet . . .

The white light moves down to your throat chakra . . .

releasing your blockages . . .

You feel like you want to chant or sing . . .

Allow the tones to resonant from your throat . . .

Do this as long as is comfortable . . .

The white light now enters your heart chakra.

You experience a feeling of unconditional love and understanding . . .

The white light enters your solar plexus . . .

Your fear . . .anger . . tensions . . .realased

See the white light enter your spleen chakra . . .

releasing pain and guilt in the sexual areas . . .

The white light now enters your Root Chakra . . .

the seat of your kundalini energy . . .

It begins to activate the energy of the base (root) chakra . . .

Feel the energy suddenly emerge from your Root Chakra . . .

to higher levels of consciousness . . .

See this energy leave through your crown chakra at top of your head . . .

Experience this energy. . .

Intergrate it with your entire being . . .

When your are ready . . .

come back into your physical body . . .

Relax and balance for a while.

You will need to drink some water





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