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Spiritual Awakening

Through your choices you have set into motion a shift that will reverberate throughout the entire universe. Humanity is awakening and now reaching for a higher truth in all areas. This global awakening is only now possible because of the choices you have made thus far. The Game of Hide and Seek as you scripted it, has been won and now it is moving to the next level. These are exciting times throughout all of creation. You now stand at the door to your next stage of evolution. You are closer than you realize. As you evolve to higher levels, you also set the tone for other races to follow. For this reason all eyes are now upon you with great anticipation. You are honored more than you can understand.

Your Divine Blueprint and Purpose

We are all Divine Beings with a Divine Purpose. We are all here to learn the lessons we have not yet learned or perfected in other lifetimes. Discontentment is a sign that your Soul is urging you to change in some area of your life! When you've finally had enough of what life seems to offer on a continual basis, you are probably feeling the stirrings of your Soul's desire to fulfill its Divine Purpose.

Not a single Soul comes into this world without the intention of fulfilling a Divine Purpose that he/she chose before birth. The Divine Purpose that a Soul chooses before each reincarnation is that Soul's gift to God; every advancement made by a Soul moves that Soul one step closer to reuniting with the Source (God.)

Intention is everything. As long as you do whatever you do with Right Intention, you are on your way to fulfilling your Divine Purpose. Your Divine Purpose may be to provide love and support to family members while working at a "mundane" job. Your Divine Purpose may be to have a job in which you provide love and support to others. Do not limit yourself in your beliefs about what constitutes your Divine Purpose.

Few of us are raised to believe that we are Divine Beings. We need to release ourselves from the limitations we have placed upon ourselves through the acceptance (often blind acceptance) of untruths (misguided beliefs) that are passed on to us by our families, the media, society, etc.

Divine Purpose

It is not so much that we "discover" our Divine Purpose, but rather that Spirit reveals it to us when we are ready to accept it.

The Universal Law of Non-Interference states that you must ask before being given information or assistance from Spirit. This Law states that no Being is allowed to interfere with another's free will without their permission. When we "ask" Spirit for help or information, we are giving our permission for them to "interfere".

"Ask and ye shall receive" . . . but you must first ask! As soon as we ask how to discover our Divine Purpose, we have taken the first step in having it revealed to us.

Don't expect the answer to come to you in a blinding flash of instant inspiration and insight. Instead, look for gentle nudges of intuition, and incidents of synchronicity that happen far too often to be labelled as mere co-incidences.

Our Life Blueprint

Before we entered this incarnation, we designed a blueprint for our lives. The blueprint includes everything we need (every person, situation, circumstance, event, every bit of knowledge, and every tool) to fulfill our Divine Purpose. When you ask that all tools, assistance and information be given to you, you are simply calling forth the elements you established as your blueprint. You are opening up the channels in your life through which your already-in-place tools, etc., will come to you. One aspect of your blueprint involved Guides and Teachers with whom you made an agreement. They are always waiting and eager to assist us, but may do so only if we ask for their assistance and guidance.

Be aware of the appearance of your physical teachers here on earth too. The controlling partner, the disobedient child, the arrogant co-worker . . . all have their place in the overall scheme of things.

Yes - you do have a Divine purpose for being here. Take the steps now to discover your purpose. Throw off the shackles of doubt and uncertainty . . . spread your wings and soar with the eagles . . . the air is so much clearer up there!

No ending - many new beginnings

You are not complete, just as the Universe in not complete, for experience creates learning and more desire for experience and learning, and so it goes on into infinity. No one in this Universe is complete, but all are perfect. Many of you get into the mode of not allowing because you are imagining that enlightenment or spiritual awakening is a defined finishing point. Indeed, it is not. There is no end, just many, many new beginnings. We invite you not to look at the end result, but to enjoy the journey with its wondrous unfolding and revelation. You are here to create a life of joy, nothing more, nothing less. Find that which gives you joy and do it, and allow all others to be exactly as they are, and give that gift to yourself too!

Technology as a reflection

Humanity as a whole has been raising their vibrational state steadily for some time. Being a gradual, steady increase, the advancement was not noticed except in hindsight. It was easy to incorporate into daily life and became a normal part of the Game. Now, humanity is awakening and raising the collective vibration of the Gameboard at an astounding rate. This cannot help but be noticed by everyone who has their eyes open. The vibrational advancement you are now experiencing within is comparable to the advances you see in our technology. The technological advances you see on the Gameboard are in fact a direct reflection of the vibrational evolution that is now in motion.

No more deception

As you advance further into the higher vibrations you will develop open communication with your own higher selves. At first this will appear as increased connection to source. Each one will develop more open communication that will culminate with a full connection to your own Higher Selves. The open connection will not be limited to yourselves, as in reality you are not separate from each other. This unity will be evident by the fact that you will be readily able to tap into the thoughts of each other through each other's higher selves. After a period of humorous adjustment, you will find this to be a great strength. When each one can see clearly the real motivations behind actions, there will be true understanding and compassion. This will leave no room for deception. Also misdirections of energy such as war will no longer be possible. The energy you are now walking into will bring possibilities you can not yet imagine. You are at the juncture of bringing Home to your side of the veil.

You are Masters

You are the masters. You are the ones that have agreed to come here and play this Game. Not simply for the sake of playing the Game, but for the benefit of All That Is. The entire nature of the Grand Game was for God-All That Is, to define itself within a finite form. For you to experience the expression of the in-finite creator in finite form, it was necessary to place you in a field of duality. You have put yourself here to do this. It is only through losing the knowledge of who you really are, and then finding it again, and living it, that you achieve soul evolution and enlightenment.

Releasing the Judgment

To receive higher information that is offered, it is most often necessary that you release the judgments that keep you from hearing. One of the greatest of these is looking foolish. Get comfortable with looking foolish. It is in these times that you hold much of your true power. Being vulnerable is when you have your greatest strength. Understand that the ones who move quickly are usually the ones who are good at looking foolish.

Release old belief systems of survival

The prime motivation of humanity is now shifting as you step into higher vibrational levels. You are moving from a motivation of survival to a motivation of re-union, or Unity. Your desire to unite with your spiritual self will be the base motivation of all that you experience from this time forward. Those hanging on to old ideals are moving through life walking backwards. They can only see what is behind them.

We remind you that the easiest way to change your environment is to shift the point of view from which you perceive it. Embrace the higher motivation of Unity and release the old belief systems that tie you to survival. Set your intent to be open and to re-evaluate even the truths that have served you thus far. Make your choices consciously and with spirit on your shoulder. Embrace change and understand that all change leads to a higher vibration. Have the courage to release the strings that hold you to the old energy and watch as the tide magically turns.

Discernment regarding messages from "the other side"

Keep your truth within you at all times through discernment. Listen to the messages that come through and then apply what is in your own heart. It is not appropriate to give your power away to messages just because they came from "the other side". Apply discernment to all that enters your field. If it does not feed or empower you, if it leaves you with fear, then leave it without judgment, for that message was not meant for you. Do not limit yourself to one form of Spirit communication








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