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 Grounding And Protection

Part 3 

Protecting thyself
We are beings that radiate and are energy, and we are constantly under attack from negative thoughts and feelings. These thoughts may originate from the spiritual world and the physical world surrounding us. For example, have you ever walked into a room and suddenly felt for no apparent reason fear, anger, depression, or become ill. This sensation happens because you are picking up someone else's energy. Being aware of your surroundings and protecting ourselves from it is important. It is important for our mental, spiritual and physical wel being. It can be very draining and taxing on your spirit and energy. However please keep i mind that not all energies are bad, there are the exceptions. There are thoughts and feelings of love, healing, prayer and good, though most people send out negative and destructive feelings and thoughts.The reason we protect and shield ourselves is to keep out or reflect the negative.
The following exercises are simple techniques used to invoke or surround yourself with the protection of White Light. These techniques are very short and do not take more then 3 to 4 minutes of your time. This is the best known technique to protect against negativity  of any kind. It can also be used as a away to heal yourself and build your energy back up. Please choose the techinque that makes you comfortable and calls to you.
~Protection Meditation (this is one I did in class)~
 Now at this time I would like you to visualize a golden shaft of light coming down from the heavens. Way out there in the universe, but please go beyond the asteroid belt all, I don’t want anyone bringing in asteroids……Visualize your crown chakra as a door that is open and see this golden light entering your head through this door……at your crown chakra…�?Feel this light moving through your head…�?.feel it travel down your neck through your face into your spine your shoulders your arms hands and your fingers�?.breathe……see your golden light moving through your torso your butt please don’t forget your seat�?.your legs your thighs your knees your ankles your feet and your little toesies…�?.As you feel this golden light moving through your body see any negativity being carried and pushed out of your body…�?down your roots and to Mother Earth…�?.Feel any stress, anxieties, anger and other feelings flow through your roots………Look around you and make sure you reach into any dark spaces or nooks and crannies you may see……�?fill them with this golden healing light……�?breathe……�?.breathe……�?/FONT>
  Now please visualize this golden light grow�?with every breathe you exhale see your light grow outwards……see it become a bubble around you………breathe. See your light expand with you within this bubble……until you are encased within this bubble and it extends about 12 inches away from you…�?breathe. You are now in a protection bubble�?please say these words……”I allow only positive loving energies to flow through my bubble.�?You may change these words to suit your needs at a later time…�?BR>
~Closing Meditation for grounding and protection meditation, reversal meditations to shut down there open doors. ~ (one I did in class)
Now to release…�?.Please visualize your golden light retracting from your body up your spine please do this slowly…�?breathe�?.and see it going back to the heavens back to the universe…�?Take a moment to express your thanks and gratitude for the healing and loving light……see your crown chakra door closing and shut it tight…�?Let's now release our roots�?....bring your awareness to those roots and untie them from the rocks or posts…�?.draw them up slowly and back into the soles of your feet…�?deep breathes and relax…�?.Please check to insure that you are still within your protective bubble and remain within it. If through out your day you feel as if you need to reinforce your bubble…�?just take a moment and visualize your bubble as strong and indestructible. See it in your mind and see that it is invincible and say the words ……”I allow only positive loving energies to flow through my bubble.�?/FONT>
 ~*White Light Protection Prayer*~
This is a simple techniue and does not take up to much time at all. Possibly 2 to 4 minutes of your time. This is a simple and short prayer of protection used in the morning, through out the day and at night. If you feel you need to recharge or need extra protection just go into a restroom, your car or anywhere that is quiet or you can be alone. Envision the white light and say the prayer. It is important to remember that when we are centered, grounded, and live a life of thoughts of love, peace, prosperity and harmony, we will attract the same in our lives. Also remember that the company we keep and the people we associate with are a reflection of our thoughts. Remember like attracts like!
In the morning when you awake, before stepping out of bed, envision a beautiful white light coming from the top of your head. This white light encases you and encircles you completely with a space of 5 to 6 inches around your physical body. Say the following prayer:
 ~An impenetrable white light of God surrounds me. The light of God surrounds me, the love of God enfolds me, and the power of God protects me at all times.~
The following techniques are so simple that you may teach them to your children or your loved ones. These are techniques that I started out with and used for there sheer simplicity.
~Circle of Mirrors~
Surround yourself in a circle of white mirrors with the reflective side facing away from you.  This will allow only positive 'white' energies in and will reflect any dark or negative energies. All you are doing is simply bouncing or reflecting all negative energy away from you.
~The Dome~
Put and seal yourself inside a protective glass dome which is illuminated by the white light of God.  Another  variation is to visualize jumping into a glass globe or bubble. I visualize a snow globe and when you shake the snow globe snow falls in it. The snow globe is your protective shield and the snow falling is positive god energy falling upon you.
In conclusion I hope that I have provided you with a feasible means to achieve protection. As I stated before use the technique that appeals to you and is most comfortable to you. As you progress these techniues will become easier and easier. Just a small note if you are overwhelmed by negativity fill your space with white light and breathe in white light and breath out the negative energy. Inhale White Exhale Black.....
~With thoughts of love, light and blessings to you, hawyngoddess~

By hawyngoddess

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