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Topic Q & A's : Same old boring sexual routine (Topic No. 8)
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Recommend  Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilken2004  (Original Message)Sent: 8/30/2006 7:42 PM
You are a lover who refuses to let the flames die down in your relationship and so, you keep finding new ways to (lol) "add sizzle"... Your partner however, is NOT so inclined to experiment and it is causing problems... You don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything they are uncomfortable with so you have let your own yearnings sit in abeyance but as time goes on, your longing and restlessness increase... You love this person and don't want to end the relationship BUT you are not willing to have the same routine sex every night for the rest of your life either... They refuse to discuss it...
What will you do???

I am
zip code

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Recommend  Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyinKansas2Sent: 8/31/2006 3:40 AM
Wow........this one is going to be interesting.  I honestly cant wait to see the responses from the MEN as well as the women here.  My response is..........
  While you are in quite a quandry here I would say given that you dont want to end the relationship ( and I am thankful for that because sex, while a wonderful and important part of a relationship should not under these circumstances be a reason for an ending), you still love them, your just honestly bored with the Tuesday night romps........what do you do?  Well to my mind there is more than one way to skin this cat.........why not take matters into your own hands?  Dont hide it, dont be afraid to let your partner know in a way that invites them to observe and possibly be a part of if they choose, yet doesnt make them feel " replaced".  Discreet yet open......just not in the kitchen at noon if you know what I mean.
     But yeah......I would say just explore your own sexuality in your own ways and see if that doesnt open some doors for you to a more open sexual experience with your mate. 
 There is also the good ole fantasies.....nothing wrong with using your own mind to put you in a different place while being right there with your partner.
    Just my own take on this..........but I cant wait to see all of yours.

Recommend  Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilken2004Sent: 8/31/2006 4:41 PM
So Lady... you're saying that "in the kitchen at noon" ISN'T okay???
How bout Professor Mustard in the hallway with a rope???
Or Ms. Scarlet in the library with the candlestick???
Behind the barn with the mailman at dawn???
In the basement with the toilet plunger at Christmas???
Hmmm... I'll check out my "discretion but open" meter and brb... Or maybe, I'll just ask Ratsolo... Last time I saw him, he was over in the "Sexuality Facts & Fiction" quiz with his dental floss and asking where his toothbrush is...

Recommend  Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyinKansas2Sent: 8/31/2006 6:25 PM
In the basement with the toilet plunger at Christmas???
LMAO!!!!!!  OMG!!!!

Recommend  Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilken2004Sent: 8/31/2006 6:34 PM
W-a-a-a-l-l-l!!!  I have a curious mind and a big imagination... what can I say???
And I notice... you're not answering me Sis...
Now, I'm LMBO!!!  One final one for ya....
How bout watchin' Grandma in the parlor with a joystick????

Recommend  Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyinKansas2Sent: 8/31/2006 7:26 PM

Recommend  Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejays1112Sent: 9/1/2006 2:34 AM
Wow Silken, exactly my issue ...  at wits ends, love my special person, care for her deeply, and know that sex aint everything, but going stir crazy cause she is so uptight and not comfortable with herself ...  help !!!

Recommend  Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilken2004Sent: 9/1/2006 5:01 AM
Hello Jays... Since we don't know one another, allow me to begin by telling you that I am not a counselor and I do not hold professional degrees in anything other than law... I do however have my Ph.D in the school of hard knocks and I have earned my stripes as a woman... Offering you my thoughts to help you is friend to friend and no substitute for the help a professional may be able to give you and your lover... Having said that...
It is common knowledge that very few people are happy with their bodies and I don't think anyone would argue if I said that women are particularly prone to feeling self-conscious over every pound, every scar and every stretch mark... The feelings come from various sources and I think you have to find out where and when she started to feel as she does now to be able to grasp how deep the problems are running... If, for instance, she was critically-parented (her parents were critical instead of nurturing) OR if she was sexually abused in any way, her problems may be severe enough to go straight to a counselor who can begin to help her heal with your loving support... If they come from a strict religious upbringing, there again, you may wish to seek professional guidance... If she won't go, you can... if only to find out how to help her... If her problem is her own high standards, then sometimes a lot of reassurance, encouragement and genuine compliments will help her to overcome her fears... If the problem has to do with the nature of the relationship between you, again I really believe in professional counselling as being the way to go...
Counselling still carries a stigma for many people but I am so eternally grateful for the years I spent under the care of a wise and strong lady who helped me in more ways than I could ever say... It took time.. there is no quick fix... and if the negative body image comes from deep wounds, it will be a daily application of loving support for her to heal... That's where your "intimacy" will have the most value... in her ability to try to tell you when she came to feel as she does, what happened, how it affects her and what you can do to help her with it...
Without knowing why she feels as she does about her body exactly, it is hard for me to offer you much help... I do know that if you don't know why she feels as she does, that is the FIRST thing you, as her partner, need to find out.. It will set the course of which path you should choose to begin to heal...
What you can be sure of as well is that there is not a woman alive who doesn't WANT with all her heart to feel beautiful and special to her lover... Her reluctance is probably not something she is happy with either... So at least you have that much in common as you start to try to enrich your lovelife...
She is lucky to have a guy who loves and wants her but it is not enough that YOU know how you feel about her... It is what the psychologists mean when they say to us, "you have to love yourself first, before you can love anyone else".  I believe there were probably times in my own life when someone loved me and because I was feeling bad about myself, I couldn't actually absorb that and pushed him away...
If you haven't had a good talk with her about this, I suggest you set the scene for a quiet, loving talk to find out exactly what has made her feel as she does about herself... With enough encouragement and reassurance from a man who truly loves her for herself, I believe that is the only way a couple can begin to scale the obstacles between themselves and beautiful, uninhibited lovemaking...
Our other roomies may also contribute their thoughts and trust me, many of them are very, very wise...
Hats off to you Jay for loving her enough to stand by her and for your attempts to help her with her fears and heartaches...
Roomies??? Feel free to add your own thoughts to Jay's inquiry as always...
Luv 'n hugggs,

Recommend  Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTopmechanic2000Sent: 9/1/2006 9:27 PM
Like most things in here, there is no right or wrong answer, just ideas and opinions. Can we say what we have experienced through personal situations without divulging too much of those lil secrets we have..hard to say.
I'd say keep plugging away at it, be it open discussion.(your bound to say something that will garner a reaction from your mate) Or perhaps with little hints here and there to get the imagination going, your bound to hit on something that may peak your mate's interest. Or perhaps, let your mate see you looking at some "thing" on the net, or send rather "interesting" e-mails to them, this may prompt them to ask "just what the hell is going on"?
In short, I say do what you can to get the situation resolved. It is my belief that if the sex life is left in the "boring" mode, it will lead to disaster soon enough from which there may be no recovery.
Just my opinion of course.

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