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General : Gas Prices
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From: MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  (Original Message)Sent: 9/4/2005 5:47 PM
I just did a little research and found out all this data!

We are paying $1.34 and 6/10ths Cdn a litre for gasoline.

(We use the metric system and it takes 3.78 litres to make 1 US gallon

                                                                    4.54 litres to make 1 Imperial gallon)

I checked the bank exchange rates to convert SA Rands, Pound Sterling, US Dollar all to the Canadian Dollar

On 02 Sep 2005 - 6.00 South African rand(s) = 1.14 Canadian dollar(s), at an exchange rate of 0.1900 (using nominal rate.)

On 02 Sep 2005, 1 UK Pound sterling(s) = 2.19 Canadian dollar(s), at an exchange rate of 2.1882

(It takes - 100 PENCE to make 1 Pound Sterling)

I just checked the value of a gallon of gas in Buffalo NY - it's approx 2.88 - 2.92 so I took an average of 2.90 US a gallon

Average price of unleaded petrol in the UK was 92.3p a litre which works out to about 2.01 Cdn a litre

To buy 1 US Gallon (3.78 litres) using Canadian Money

If I lived in:

Buffalo NY is paying approx   2.90 US -             a US gallon = 3.45 Canadian a gallon

S. Africa is paying approx     22.68 Rand -         a US gallon = 4.31 Canadian a gallon

Ontario is paying                       5.09 Cdn -           a US gallon = 5.09 Canadian a gallon

Britain is paying approx      349.65 Pence -      a US gallon = 7.65 Canadian a gallon

Just thought it would be interesting to see what the gas prices are in a few places. So right now even though the US is experiencing higher prices than before, they are still well below what we've been paying for quite some time and I'd hate to have to pay for gas in Britain.


Sassy *S*

I got the pic below in my email this morning - I guess it's VERY appropriate!  I've also see the ARM, LEG and FIRST BORN one at a Shell station - but that pic has been around for years, because we've been GOUGED at the gas pumps for years!  LOL


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