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10Word Challenge : Word Challenge - Week 6 - Apr 20/05
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(2 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_Catt  (Original Message)Sent: 4/20/2005 8:24 PM

A Colourful Challenge - Apr 20/05

I'm going to do something a little different this time.
I've given you a list of colour names, I'd like you to
pick out 10 and use them in a poem. I thought this
way, it would give us a good selection as not
everyone will pick the same ones. Some of the
colours are close together in the palette wheel, so
try and mix up the colours and use a variety!
Remember some can mean something other than
a colour too! *S* Feel free to choose more colours
and write as many poems as you'd like!

Have fun with it!

Sassy *S*

Word List

Grey or Gray (however you prefer to spell it)
Magenta or Fushsia (same shade)

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(6 recommendations so far) Message 2 of 15 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 4/22/2005 7:08 AM

Seeing Sal
He had big blue eyes
and bright red hair,
And a big ole nose,
And he dressed with flair,
In Khaki-colored pants and a
shirt of tan,
He was something else.
He was quite a man!
He  had yellow teeth,
And purple lips.
He wore a Fushia scarf
'Round his big ole hips.
He liked to sashay 'round,
In a Chartreuse dress,
Wearing violet heels.
Boy, he was a mess!
They called him Sal,
Said he was born that way,
And they couldn't tell
 If he was straight or gay.
Now the moral is:
If you see ole Sal,
You've had too much to drink,
And you're nuts as hell!
anita callender 2005
all rights reserved

 Message 3 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 4/22/2005 3:24 PM
You're hiliarious lady!!!!!!!!  I loved it!  That was fabulous!  I don't know where you get these from, but I hope you never lose them, because it's a joy to read your works.  Nice to see you've been able to get some writing done again!
Sassy *S*

 Message 4 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 4/22/2005 5:27 PM
LOL God forbid! If I see ole Sal I'll call
Ethel up. OK!  Man that was an epiphany!
See another one is solved. All seriousness aside
that's lol a great write. I mean it now.

(6 recommendations so far) Message 5 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTimaichaSent: 4/24/2005 9:27 PM
"Colors Of Life"
Sitting on a rock like a rug
In shades of brown teal and chocolate
Eating juicy orange sliced fruit…dripping down my fingers
Looking across the deep blue sea
Where the sea and sky meet upon horizon
A spectrum of multi colors greets me
And as the silver moon still hangs low
Without hesitation move up higher
My thoughts starts to wander
Back to my garden so green back home
Time and time again
I walk this route with you
Then nature laughs at me with the voice of joy
And when the sun return with dawn
To wash the sleeping valley with a red kiss
With warm colors so beautiful
Your songs and smiles color my world
When happiness stretched my own lips into a smile
Waiting for the white gardenias to bloom yet again
Beneath golden sun rays
A black-eyed creature watching me
Upon roses and daisies in shades of purple and maroon
Walking in my garden
Leaves of olive, lime and chartreuse caress my skin
Dahlias sway gracefully in the wind
In shades of peach, lavender and pink
A crescendo of angelic voice and colors
Beneath a tiny waterfall…a bubbly stream
A dragonfly appears from nowhere
Cyan and indigo wings
The perfect picture…gossamer touch�?BR>Of my dream flight to you
With so many faces from so many places
A spectrum of beauty unfolds to me
I roll my Khaki pants a little higher
As breaking waves of aquamarine greets me
To bring me back
Upon this rock
Where I sit and dream
Swinging hat behind my back
Forgotten are my problems
As I look around
And look at the wonders
And promise of God!!
Copyright ©2005 Tinka Boukes
All Rights Reserved

 Message 6 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTimaichaSent: 4/24/2005 9:30 PM
Amazing post Anita....sorry but I had to giggle!!
Sorry for getting my colors not the shade I wanted it but hey I tried to get as close as I could.....and white did not work sooooo it had to be blackish too....llol!!
Love Tinka

 Message 7 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 4/24/2005 9:51 PM
Tinka, it's GREAT!   I love how you used so many colours too and this is an outstanding poem!  Fantastic job!   Isn't it amazing all the beautiful colours that we see in all of God's masterpieces (nature).
I know what you mean about the colours not all working right, I also did one using the hex codes for colours, I showed it to Anita and Dale the other day, but I had to change certain colours, because they didn't show up right on my background.
Sassy *S*

 Message 8 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemariemusesSent: 4/24/2005 10:25 PM
Another joint comment on the challenges:
Anita, I applaud you on the great character you've created. It has a touch of Twain's light sarcasm and humor.
Tinka, yours is a beautiful rainbow that captures the beauty of God's world. It's light and free and inspires dreams.
I keep losing the colors list so I'm printing this again. I will have to try this. Maybe a few times. Lol.
Write on!

 Message 9 of 15 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 4/25/2005 6:22 AM
How very beautiful this is!
"Then nature laughs at me with the voice of joy"... I love this line.

 Message 10 of 15 in Discussion 
From: AnitaSent: 4/25/2005 6:26 AM
Sassy, Dale, Tinka, and Marie,
Thank you all so much for your kind comments on my silly, silly, poem. LOL. I had fun writing it. (And no, I have never personally seen Sal.

(6 recommendations so far) Message 11 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWizeMuseSent: 4/26/2005 7:19 PM


 Colors of A Storm

A sunbeam hits a raindrop
causing colors to stir
in the sienna landscape

The clouds are chartreuse
on a stormy palette
with a clown face grin

Puddles of water stand
after the rain
amidst maroon shadows

In the distance
there is a rainbow
in the indigo sky

The colors are many hues
inside your dreamy storm
the gold is shining

Spring is cool, cool rain
awaiting May blooms
lavendar, plum and orchid

The petals are blank
and need a brush of red 
yellow, orange and blue

The grass is green
The water aquamarine
The sky was peach
A rainbow is spectral

A raindrop hits a sunbeam
in the azure sky
causing colors to split

© CJ Clark

 Message 12 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 4/26/2005 7:56 PM
What a rainbow of a write, excellent use of the word list.  Fantastic poem, filled with vivid imagery.  Bold, bright graphics to match the mood and flavour of the poem.
Sassy *S*

(5 recommendations so far) Message 13 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 4/26/2005 8:00 PM

Silver and grey are hard to pick out in the poem, because their hex codes so closely match the white in the body of the poem! *S*


Majestic Beauty
S. Cat Apr 17/05

Ever faithful in its daily journey
gold orb travels its path
'Cross skies awash in vivid royal blue
Lightly dotted with puffy, fluffy clouds

Sunset creeps ever closer
We're treated to the heavens
Painted with a deep
crimson brush
Tinged in magenta and damson tones

Night descends quickly o'er the land
As the glowing moon ascends

Silver moonbeams kiss the waters

Merrily dance across the waves
Glittering like irridescent diamonds
Upon the midnight
grey surface

Dawn eagerly awaits a chance
To blend its palette of soft colours
A light mist clings to the water
Creating a plum gauze curtain

The sun climbs higher once more

Its peach and pink rays battling
To see who can burn off the mist
And turn the water to





Most of the photos were taken by various people that I have asked permission from.  I'd like to thank them for enabling me to use them in this presentation.  There are a couple, I don't know to whom the photo belongs.  Once I do, I'll ask their permission also.  I'd like to thank Deb, Gary and SM for the fantastic talent you all display in each picture you take.  You're all wonderful photographers and I thank you for sharing the beauty of Georgian Bay area with us!  

(3 recommendations so far) Message 14 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemariemusesSent: 6/20/2005 12:04 AM
Wahoo! I finally came up for one for this one!
Summer Sno cone 
Shaved  white ice
Served in a Stryofoam cup
Like drops of rain
Blue cascades over the  tiny crystals
Add a little
Red to the blue and wahoo
It becomes purple like Grimace.
On another day
I want something light
A touch of
Peach is a delight
I like the taste of
Green apple or maybe
Black cherry will
Make me merry or
A hint of yellow
In my lemon lime
Keeps me mellow
And tangerine is a dream.
In the summer
When it's hot
The flavor matters not
A sno cone
Always hits the spot.

 Message 15 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSassy_CattSent: 6/26/2005 5:32 AM
Good write Marie, sure hope these sno cones will help with this sweltering heat we've been having!
Sassy *S*

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