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Reprogramming The Mind I
be limitless:
People impose limitations on themselves. I do also.  There are many types of limitations but for the purpose of giving an example any statements that begin with  "I cant" is a limitation.  Dont say "I cant", be honest with yourself and say "I choose not to".  Another word we're all guilty of using is "try".  To me the definition of "try" is - I've predetermined to fail this task.  You either do or you do not .... there is no try.
We don't have to have limitations unless the limitation is part of our protocol. If someone speaks truth, but shares limitations with you ask yourself do I need those limiations?  Are they mine or his/hers? I've decided that I will no longer accept limitations from others, I have my own that i'm trying to re-program.  Spirit has no limitations so why do I feel its necessary?
I treat people as I wish to be treated is my protocol.  It's my etiquitte to not harm them when I read them, but to heal instead.  Protocol and Ettiquite.  Limitations .... I could harm them but I have decided to have a ettiquite that says I do not.
how it works:
Our minds are computers in a way we program them,  our parents do, our friends, whomever we allow. People have virusis in their hardrives, and bugs in their programming.  You can go thru your mind and find your fears and limitations, unwrap them, figure out if they still serve you and delete them if they dont.

Fears are hard to take apart because so much emotion is tied to each experience.  Lets say fear of being told your "stupid".  First find your most emotional upsetting memoried tied to that fear. You'll need to play the memory over again and remove the emotions.  An easy way to do this is to watch it like a movie, but in 3-D like your walking in that time. Walk around the scene, pick up the emotions as though you were gathering stones or jewles and put them in a pouch. Walk with them out of the picture and place them over your shoulder, so all of your emotions are removed and are safe.  Then watch the scene and watch the other person.  If you must, pretend it wasn't you, but someone else.  Then "READ" the situation be sure to watch their face.  Look for signals you put out. Did you signal them that it was okay to do this?  Be objective and thorough.
We all keep a databse in our minds of things we feel or have felt and how to react to them.  If someone you meet reminds you of someone that hurt you, you will not trust them.  Its in your programming and its a smart defense.  So... if i'm reading someone and I feel a feeling, I can search my database, find the feeling, recall what it meant and share it with them.  If I feel their afraid, I allow myself to remember what it was to feel afraid and I ask them. What is it that you are afraid of?  Here is the point: If i have not felt that feeling before I can not identify it.  If I meet someone that is fearful and insecure I can identify it because I am or have been both.  
Someone who hurts you by telling you your an idiot only knows where to locate that spot because they feel like they are an idiot (or have felt it).  Get it?  So if you react you need to reprogram it. Ask yourself why you think you are an idiot, and go fix it.
You can set up triggers to stop yourself from drifting back into the old habbits.  Here is an example:  Hoop told me something one night that I didn't particularly want to hear. She worded it as a question so I immedatly responded with "NO" sorry Hoop not me.  I had set myself to "STOP" as soon as a defense mechanism kicks in.  So I did, I stopped asked myself how I could respond so quickly to that question and why my defense went up.  I immediatly said Hoop "I think that may be true, thank you for the insight". Then I went in later and figured out how that defense was triggered.
Your computer, you set your own triggers up.  If you want to quit saying the word "try" you make a conciouse effort to stop speaking when you hear it. For re-training purposes I always re-state what it was I said in a more positive way.  By doing this you are taking control of your mind and your power.
Interestingly enough the throat chakra is power.  Throat = communication.  When you pass words thru your mouth you are empowering your words.  If you use the word "cant" often... you probably cant.  It means your giving that statement power.  Your saying  I am empowering this situation to fail.  Its your power, is this how you choose to use it?

                                                                                             ~ Intense Female