 | | From:  philip113 (Original Message) | Sent: 11/30/2008 12:51 AM |
God created man in a few seconds flat, Then said : I can do better than that! So He created woman,the crowning glory, Of the earth's creation story.
As He is Creator,so she is creatrix, Who sees to all ingredients in the mix. Daughter,sister,mother,neighbour,wife, Procreatrix of children and family life.
Eve was able,Adam,to convince Of the necessity for mortal living. Woman has been one step ahead ever since, And exemplifies the art of giving.
Woman is queen who tolerates a king, If he is wise and provides for everything. Children who revolve round such a pair, Will never want for love,for health,for care.
A man will always please his better half, If he has the means to make her laugh. Women see the funny side of things. Treat them like queens,and they'll treat us like kings.
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I totally love the sentiments in this poem, as well as the poem itself I have read it to Steve, and told him to believe it !!!! Well done, Philip xx |
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Thank you Jenny! It's surprising what 38+ years of brainwashing can do to a man. Don't tell me that Steve has also succumbed! |
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Yes, Phillip, you got that right, hit the nail right on it's head, when winning over a woman, you got all the right angles...clever man... Mariaxx |
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Dear Philip .....how could he not have succumbed to my charms ? lol xx |
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Winning over a woman is a slow learning curve for us all,Maria. I'm still struggling in the foothills. Is there A Woman's Guide For Struggling Husbands out there somewhere,which would speed me up the curve in this lifetime. I don't mind a bit of stick even! It's better than dying in the snow. |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/1/2008 10:36 PM |
Nice write, Philip, but a little sexist, lol... whatever happened to the professional female???  Zy [ducking] |
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Yes Jenny. Steve is under a spell and knows it,but he cannot quite put his finger on it. |
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When you say professional female,Zydha,are you referring to a woman's innate ability to make a man feel he's in charge,while systematically stripping him of his assets. |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/2/2008 11:19 AM |
Not at all, Philip, I meant the woman who does all the things you mentioned.... and runs a career which may be just as demanding as her husband's. And... that scenario you quote can often work in reverse, it's not only the man who can be left picked to the bone financially, materialistically and emotionally. As one who has been in a married 'partnership' since 1966...it's compromise and respect for both...equally... that works (for me/us). Just felt your subject was a cross between biblical and screen 'concept', when we women have to live in the real world, rolling sleeves up and often wearing more caps than men ever have do, Zy (ducking again) |
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Phillip, women are complex creatures who have intuitive abilities and qualities that God gave her. We are angels unaware, and can cure almost anything, including broken hearts... Sometimes we are left in a heap, wondering why we have been left behind...(the empty nest syndrome,) and when she has outlived her usefulness...if this can be remedied, that will be the day that miracles happen. I think that is why we are so complex, we choose not to self distruct. And our prayers are always heard. Mariaxx |
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Yes Zy! I see what you mean. As the saying goes,a husband and wife should be equally yoked,and pulling together. If you have seen the TV programme,Super Nanny,you'll agree that it contains some good principles for building family unity. Family unity is the key to peace and happiness throughout the world. |
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Yes Maria,but I think men and women are complex in their own different ways. The challenge is to combine the two complexities into one simple whole. |
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Now to write down the recipe so that it can be useful to all...let us know what men want, and we shall share what women want and then...the fight begins...lol... (just being facetious) Maria |
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Brainwashing, Phillip? I'm not even allowed a brain in my house! How'd you swing that one?!  Gordon |
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hahaha oh how you guys crack me up...thank you for a wonderful time...loved every moment of it. Mariaxx |
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