I did this one in Audio last week and remembered I hadn't posted the words, but Mikhail's Bbrrrr brought this one to mind again. It is an oldie though.
The heat of your enticement
Smoulders to my eyes.
I sink myself into your depths
Breathing silent sighs.
You touch my offered body
Where noone else can go,
Sublime is the seduction
By scented candle glow.
Inhaling your aroma,
One chosen sensually,
It moistens and caresses
The privacy of me.
You curb my inhibitions
We share this time as one,
My hands drop deep to find you
Slippery object of my fun.
Escaping searching fingers
Still close, I have no doubt,
I'll hold you in my hand again...
When I pull the 'bath plug' out !!!