 | | From:  EvaTS_67 (Original Message) | Sent: 5/1/2004 12:33 AM |
Sweetheart! Sweetheart! He called me sweetheart! It warmed me deep within my heart! I don't think he knew how much it meant. That little word added to his sentence. Maybe he just said it by habit, not choice. Hopefully he said it due to feelings meant. Whatever reason, he sounded so sincere. Made my heart beat faster than before. I love hearing his voice, wish to hear it each day. It made my soul soar high up in the sky. Until the next time when we meet in moonbeams. Please hold me tight each night in your dreams. © Eva T.S. April 2004 |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/1/2004 10:40 PM |
I love this poem, Eva, my hubby had to go off on surveys for the week or even two, and you have described just how I used to feel when in his nightly calls he let slip something without intention. 'Until next time we meet in moonbeams'...yes! Definately me kind of love poem, 'night, Zydha |
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Hi Eva, I simply do love this! As always it is a lovely poem from you. Emma. |
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Thank you Zydha! I am so glad you liked my poem and that you could recognise yourself in it. Also very happy you seemed to like the last verse as I feel quite pleased with the ending. Eva  |
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Hi Eva A lovely poem - its funny how its the little things that matter, and usually the ones that the other person doesn't realise. Well done Emma  |
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Thank you so much Emma! You are so right about it often being the small unconscious things that people do, which mean so much to us. Eva  |
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