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 Message 1 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooops  (Original Message)Sent: 11/16/2003 12:37 AM
Hey Lynni........... thanx for the watermark...........just a prob here........... how do I put it on?? Copy... paste... new layer???? I dunno
Step by step....... easy to follow instructions please
Thanx............. luvs ya

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 Message 6 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooopsSent: 11/16/2003 1:36 AM
Thanx Wicca......... gonna try the watermark
I do have Plug in folder... already have one in there i downloaded......... the rest are floating in space......... so Ill try what you suggested
luvs ya

 Message 7 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooopsSent: 11/16/2003 1:56 AM
Lynni......... thanx heaps
Between you and wicca, I should get it right

 Message 8 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlushingWICCA2Sent: 11/16/2003 2:24 PM
then take the duplicate...right click.... hit copy......then go back to your creation and ______****right click ......copy  (THAT SHOULD BE PASTE AS NEW LAYER!)

 Message 9 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooopsSent: 11/17/2003 3:22 AM
Im still coming up with same message.... specified file cannot be identified as a supported file........
And I dont know why

 Message 10 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLynni1™♥Sent: 11/17/2003 3:44 AM
Ally only other thing I know to do is go to My Computer/click on C: Drive/Program Files/Jasc Software/PSP7(or8) and files should be in there...Let me know..Lynni

 Message 11 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooopsSent: 11/18/2003 12:48 AM
If I go to My Computer c:drive/programe files/Jasc... the files are in PSP7 ......but when I open up PSP they are not there. Wicca sent me two sites to download so PSP would read the plugs ins, but its still not working!!!!!!!!!
Im lost

 Message 12 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLynni1™♥Sent: 11/18/2003 7:00 AM
Ally, sorry I didn't respond earlier..I was trying to figure out a way to help..But  I just am having no luck..I  am stumped..maybe Wicca will know what to do..If not then I guess we need to go to the PSP home site and see if tech suppoet can help..I'm sorry I couldn't have been more of a help..Luv ya Lynni

 Message 13 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameZippiestLadySent: 11/18/2003 9:46 AM
Ok, I'm a total novice at this, just check if you saved them as PSP 7 combatible files.
I didn't manage to open something in the animation shop yesterday, because I had saved them as PSP 8 combatible.... had to go back and change it and voila no problem.
when you go to "save as" go to options and you'll find it

 Message 14 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooopsSent: 11/18/2003 11:43 PM
OK....... I think Im getting there........... only one prob........ these were free plugins for PSP....... now to set them up I need a password........... why?? and how do i get one??

 Message 15 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLynni1™♥Sent: 11/19/2003 1:06 AM
Amy here is what I got when I went to PSP Plug-In Help..this is for filters(just an example for plug-in)..Hope this helps..
If the following checklist isn't enough to help you get going then feel free to contact me, Sandy Blair, at [email protected]. Any feedback is welcome!

1. Unzip the files into your plugins folder.
The files on here are in a format called zip, it is a way of packaging up and compressing files so they are quicker to transfer over the internet.
If you don't have a program to restore them back you can get one here. Winzip
Each zip file contains a small text file, and a 8BF file, it is the 8BF file you need to copy into your plugins folder.
If you don't already have a specific folder on your computer for plug-ins you will need to create one. PSP users can call it 'plugins' or anything you like! Photoshop users probably already have one below the Photoshop directory.
2. Check you have msvcrt10.dll.
These Filters use a format originally designed for Adobe Photoshop, PSP can read this format, but it needs an additional file called msvcrt10.dll to be placed in the Windows/System folder.
A zipped copy of msvcrt10.dll
3. Check you are pointing to the plugins folder.
Select File
- Preferences
- General Program Preferences...
- Select the Plug-in Filters tab.
Ensure there is a tick in the 'Enable filters' box and that the 'folders' list points to your plugins folder.
4. Check the image is 16 million colors.
Select Colors
- Increase Color Depth
5. Select the Filter.
Click on Image - Plugin Filters.
You should see a menu of filters, choose the Simple one and then choose one of the filters. It will apply the transformation to your image.

 Message 16 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlushingWICCA2Sent: 11/19/2003 1:47 AM
AHA!  there it the thing..........Ally do you have Adobe Acrobat Reader??  If not go to CNET and see if there was a free one available.I think there is...................I came upon this conclusion last night...........Lynni? If she doesn't have the Adobe she might not be able to read the files for Plugins...... 

 Message 17 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAlly_ooopsSent: 11/19/2003 10:37 AM
Thanx for all your help lynni and wicca........ Im trying everything, but getting nowhere....... can you give me a site where you downloaded some plugins........ maybe im just downloading ones that wont read.......i dunno..........

 Message 18 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLynni1™♥Sent: 11/21/2003 1:08 AM
Adobe Reader free download..
Downloads for missing dll files
I hope this is what you need ally..make note of the dll the error message gives yu and download it from the link above...Lynni

 Message 19 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLynni1™♥Sent: 11/21/2003 1:15 AM
That is a link to PSP Plug-Ins and  step by step instructions on how to download
and where to put them. I think this will do the trick...*crossing my fingers..Lynni

 Message 20 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLynni1™♥Sent: 11/21/2003 1:45 AM
This one might be a little simpler...

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