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Recommend  Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: SunnyDaze  (Original Message)Sent: 6/7/2002 7:52 AM
How does a computer spring a leak (or a modum)?  Do the pixels start dribbling out?  Could you plug the leak with a pic? 

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Recommend  Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 6/9/2002 12:15 AM
    I believe that you would leak bytes and pixels both. My modem sprang a leak and I had to get it replaced. Took me hours to sweep up the dead bytes.
    Ubergato (Overcatus Sweepus)

Recommend  Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppySent: 6/9/2002 1:12 AM
Ahhhhhhhhh   So then those things that sting me in a dirty carpet are BYTES not MITES.  My mistake.  Do you have pixel stains?  Do you know a good pixel stain remover?

Recommend  Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 6/9/2002 4:00 AM
     I would recommend this product I have used it for years with good results. :>)
Ubergato (Overcatus Scrubus)

Recommend  Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 6/10/2002 7:17 AM
     I also use this product frequently to clean up pixel spills from my TV :>)
     Ubergato (Overcatus Cleanus)

Recommend  Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: SunnyDazeSent: 6/10/2002 8:29 AM
Ummmmmmmmm... instead of just sweeping up those pixels and bytes, do you  think you could put a dixie cup under, catch as many as you can, and send them my way?  I need more memory, and my own pixels have sort of faded away......

Recommend  Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppySent: 6/10/2002 2:14 PM
Maybe we could establish a pixel recycling station.  And some kind of rehab for burned out bytes.

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