Old Testaments and New RevelationsBy Kinky Friedman and the texas jewboys. This CD is an absolute must for those who like their music really really funny. All songs written, played and sung by Kinky Friedman. I give this CD a 10! Recommended by Ubergato , 3/30/2000.
Really "Odd Oldies" and "Dr. Demento."By Various Artists. Really "Odd Oldies" by Various Artists... I myself, being a "Moldy Oldie," am very familiar with Oldies Music. I can still remember listening to "Dr. Demento" on Saturday night on my local FM radio station. Luckily, (or unfortunately to the "Elderly Generation") I can still remember many of the songs. My favs were, "PLEASE MR. CUSTER," and "THE COCKROACH THAT ATE CINNCINNATI," and remembering that on "Dr. D," was where "Wierd Al Yankovich" got his first break in the recording industry. My still favorite group to this day, "The Beatles," had some really odd songs as well. The songs, "YOU KNOW MY NAME, LOOK UP MY NUMBER," and "I AM THE WALRUS," were just a couple of the songs that they recordered that were "Strangly Odd." Paul McCartney, also had some "Odd Songs." I even got my nic from an old Paul McCartney and Wings song called "UNCLE ALBERT/ ADMIRAL HALSEY." I give all of these songs, a BIG THUMBS UP, and recommend them to all. Recommended by UncleAlbertAdmrHalsey , 11/7/2000.
The WeathermanBy The Bobs. The Bobs are an acapello group and sing in close harmony. The group write all of their own songs and they are some of the most hilarious songs Ihave ever heard. I have heard the Bobs live as well and they are the real deal. Any Song or CD or Tape by the Bobs has my highest reccomendation! Two paws up!! Recommended by Ubergato , 3/30/2000.