Odd People was set up as a G-Rated Original Humor Community. This means simply that we don't allow any sex, nudity, violence or profanity in any posts, links or photos. We also don't allow any humor which specifically targets any race, religion , ethnic background, or the handicapped and we never allow flaming of other members or gender bashing ever. We also discourage bathroom type humor. On some posts which may be borderline, I will make the final decision on whether or not it will remain on the board. It has always been my firm belief that humor which observes the above guidelines requires more intelligent thought and is far funnier to far more people. If any member has a question about something they wish to post or a post which was removed, please feel free to contact me at any time at [email protected] and I will send you a reply as soon as I receive your message. :>) Happy posting!! Ubergato (Overcatus Humorus)