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Ask Ubergato : anyone : what is Cloning?
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Recommend  Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamequintessentialFlirt  (Original Message)Sent: 11/17/2002 8:17 AM
Does anyone know about cloning here in MSN?  I'm not quite sure what it all means.  Supposedly I am a member at a group that I really am not a member at...and it's causing me trouble at another group I did join.and well.... I am do I know if my email /nickname was 'cloned'? what do I do about it? Is it something that can follow me to this group too? I don't want it to mess things up here...    I have more then one hotmail account -can it affect them all?-I'm being told it can... ( I use one for business...) Did  I even post this in the right place?  Ok so maybe I am over panicing a little bit - any info would be appreciated....
thank you just for listening!

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Recommend  Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: Bionic~verbageSent: 11/17/2002 10:17 PM
Odi!!first take your email addy off the member list!! I just sent you an email a Thank you card.......thats how!....Sorry for answering here...I came in a different the mean time look back to a warning message I posted last can learn alot about what they are doing with your Identity...Ubiie can tell you the rest...
I was thinking someone should program me to not make typos...

Recommend  Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 11/18/2002 12:04 AM
First they get a sheep..... they they swab the inside of the sheep's mouth with a swab.... then they do some stuff in a laboratory.... then you got another sheep!

Recommend  Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamequintessentialFlirtSent: 11/18/2002 9:09 PM
LOL jest amused-I expected nothing less from this group!
Thank you verbage-
hmph-I forgot about that warning stuff- 
I did what you said, even changed my passwords....thank you!
but..uh..I I um..somehow missed your thank you....
by deleting it...I didn't mean too,  really I don't recall seeing it -
most of the subject lines were about mortgates or adult sites(yeah I get those and don't know why.)      I'm sorry....I went back to look too,it's not there...
thank you for your help,and you don't need to send a thank you to me...after all, I kinda missed your birthday .

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