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Ask Ubergato : Using the member search engine and other questions
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Recommend  Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameA_Nature_Lover  (Original Message)Sent: 6/12/2003 11:02 AM
First, I want to tell you what a great community we have here, but you already knew that, didn't you? Ok, then I want to tell you what a great time I have while I'm here, (bet ya didn't know that already!) 
Now for the questions: (1) When I select "B" in the member search engine I always get the last page of members, you know, the V's, but you already knew that too, didn't you? (2) Whenever I try to e-mail someone using an e-mail link (like you about this from the group homepage) this dumb computer of my husbands always opens up a new window with AOL mail because he has AOL set as the default, no problem, except that I use Hotmail, not AOL! Well, great cat that you are, I was wondering if you know any way around this little problem of mine? Or am I destined to forever quick write down the email address while hovering over the link, then open my hotmail account and type it into the TO: field, then send my messages? Whew, there must be an easier way, and you are my only hope! I should mention that my husband doesn't approve of me using his computer, so I'm sure he won't change the settings, (that would be too much like granting approval.)  
So, short of getting my own computer, any ideas? (3) I have some catnip that I grew about nine years ago and I just found it again, well, my cat just goes nutty over a wee little bit of it and, well, I was wondering if catnip somehow gets stronger over the years or is my cat just super-sensitive? I wish I'd saved some seeds too, and not just the buds. (4) While I'm at it, when you got that fateful skeeter bite, was there any indication at the bite site that it was buggy, or did west nile virus only show up systemically? The reason I'm asking is I take my kids camping a lot and I'm afraid skeeters get us even after using a potpourri of repellents and spells to ward them off. Anxiously awaiting your 9-lives worth of wisdom about my queries. And take care of yourself, this place needs you, but you already knew that, too, didn't you?
AJ [  

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     re: Using the member search engine and other questions   mosthappyguppypuppy  6/12/2003 12:07 PM
     re: Using the member search engine and other questions   Ubergàto  6/12/2003 9:22 PM