Hi Maya: If you open a group at Aimoo then you can migrate your msn group to the Aimoo group. Once you create the Aimoo board you will find options to move the MSN group in several places. However, once Aimoo gets it, it is an archive file. Aimoo has it stored for you. Your site was copied during the migration and the original should be as you left it at MSN. I imagine you can have it migrated to multiply also (though not at the same time). There are some things you have to do first. Your group cannot be private so if it is you have to make it public during the move. Hidden pages will be missed, so you have to unhide them.
They have done more than multiply did in trying to move the site and have it look as it was when it was at MSN. However there are some limitations. It seems that their bots cannot read older messages in a thread, so you will only find the last 15 messages in any topic. And I don't know how far into a groups history they can go. I know that Multiply had increasing amounts of trouble the longer time the migration took. A group that is very large, or is very old, is bound to experience some loss. Still, it is an attempt to capture our history and preserve it for us.
I understand that there are programs that can download an entire site to your computer. I imagine if you wanted to preserve your entire site you might try one of those. I can't even guess how much space on your pc that would require.
I reckon it boils down to making the best of the offers that are out there. Aimoo and Multiply were the only two forum type sites that offered to migrate a group, and if they can only do so much... at least it is something. Hopefully, it is possible to regroup, rebuild and move on. In some ways, MSN has spoiled us. I think no place will be as free as it was here.
This is the help forum at Aimoo.
This is a special section on that forum that deals with moving MSN groups.
Aimoo seems to be a work in progress. They seem to be friendly, open to suggestion, and responsive to people who require help. They are different than here though and it will take some time to feel completely at home.
They do have some things that are rather nice. While the group itself does offer a certain amount of storage for uploads, it is limited and you have to have a paid forum for that kind of access. However, they do cooperate with photobucket (a free image storage place) so you can store images there to insert into the messages and access them as easily as you can here through the insert image icon. You can also embed YouTube bits and other media (though I have not tried that). There is a cute little chat room attached to the forum. And I think that once you register you have your own private area where you can send and receive private messages to other members, check what you have uploaded at the site, keep a list of the groups you are attached to, and even make a simple blog.