This is my take on Ubie's Posting Guidelines.
Well let's see....
First dig yourself a large hole to incorporate all the humor. How? Just try a few giggles or just one giant belly laugh and that will do it. Sometimes humor mined in small bits is more satisfying than one humungous laugh.
When you are satisfied with the receptacle, go ahead and input all your anecdotes, captions, reflections and all-round general silliness. Now click "Send". You have just created a post!
Don't worry if you think your post is not funny, there is always someone out there who will find it amusing. If you succeed in creating a post, sit back and look around. You will notice others have been busy creating some too.
Look again - and you will see that each post is connected to yet another post by a common goal - to entertain and enlighten but hopefully not alienate any other post. These posts encircle our community to create a place of warmth, safety, friendship and caring.
Have fun!