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All Message Boards : My Life As Mrs. Dracula
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Recommend  Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Bubbles109  (Original Message)Sent: 10/30/2002 9:24 PM

 My Life as Mrs. Dracula


Living With A Pain In The Neck!

What? You didn’t know Dracula was married? Well he is…and to me!  It’s not something he advertises though. He prefers the public persona of a carefree vampire with lots of vampirette groupies.

We met in a small cemetery in Romania one late October evening.  I was paying my respects to one of my relatives and suddenly I heard the soft flapping of wings and there he was.  He took my breath away with his strange manner of dress and mesmerizing stare.  I was captivated by him and the next thing I knew I was Mrs. Dracula and living here in this drafty old castle.

But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be you know. He really truly is a pain in the neck.  He is always gone out at night.  He says he is working, but I have my suspicions about it. He appears just before daybreak and then slips quietly into his bed…er...I mean...coffin. 

He can be a little eccentric too. There is only one mirror in the house. I don’t know why. They would open up and bring lightness to some of these drafty old rooms. But nooooooo.  I have one that I snuck into my dressing room closet though. 

Talking about eccentric......he's downright batty at times!  He won’t let me cook anything with garlic in it at all Doesn’t he know garlic is good for you!   Geez …that puts a crimp in recipe selection too. No more escargots for me I guess.

Our only friends are werewolves, mummies and this really tall green guy named Frank, and his wife.  She has the strangest hairdo I have ever seen and she doesn’t talk much either. Come to think of it, neither does he.

I have a theory that he and Frank go out at night and carouse around our village. Drac comes home really late and with these foreign hairs stuck to his cape. Maybe he’s seeing that Broom Hilda chick on the other side of town. She's a real witch if you know what I mean.

Speaking of that cape�? I have tried to get him to update his wardrobe to the current styles but it’s never going to happen. He is definitely stuck in the 1800’s.

I must admit though he does look quite handsome in his black suit, white shirt and cape. Maybe I don’t have too much to complain about�?at least he does come home every morning to me!


Happy Halloween one and all!!!

©Bubbles 10-29-02

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Recommend  Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: CatsgaloreSent: 10/30/2002 10:10 PM
What a cute story, twinnie! (Aren't all men a pain in the neck? heh)

Recommend  Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Atomic DogSent: 10/30/2002 10:47 PM
We try to be!
A great story, Bubbles!  Happy Hallowe'en to you!

Recommend  Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 10/30/2002 11:17 PM
     Heh.....very cute Ms Dracula :>) Wouldn't a bubble have to be very careful of being bitten. When you celebrate an anniversary with your hubby do you ever tell him fangs for the memories? Heh... thanks for the great halloween story Bubbles. :>)
     Ubergato (Overcatus Chuckleus)

Recommend  Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Bright StarSent: 10/31/2002 1:02 AM
Enjoyed your story bubbles.  It was really cute.   Happy Halloween to you. and to everyone at Odd People

Recommend  Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: ~catnap~Sent: 10/31/2002 2:03 AM
great story BUBBLES er mrs dracula heee
and a terrific job on the halloween page
your talents are brilliant like the shine on your Bubbles

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