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All Message Boards : September 11th 2001
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Recommend  Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: DoodleDanD  (Original Message)Sent: 8/28/2002 6:23 PM
      I wrote this a couple of days after 9/11. I wanted something writen down so I would always remember how I felt, what I saw, and what I thought on the secound day of infamy in our history. It took me half a day to write it. The tears kept getting in my eyes.
         This morning it was pleasantly cool outside,
         I switched on the tv while my eggs were being fried,
         A sight appeared on the screen that I first thought a joke
         The Twin Towers were falling through cloudy black smoke
         I put down my coffee and turned up the tv,
         My eyes not believing the picture they see.
         The newsman was talking but I could hardly hear
         In the corner of his eye there appeared a tear,
         He said that some terrorists from a far off land,
         Had crashed two airliners into the Towers so grand,
         They had killed all on board plus thousands more,
         My stomach began to knot and to breathe was a chore.
         Surely this is a movie or mini series on tv,
         This cannot be real, its too horrible to be,
         But they keep on showing the tall towers crumble,
         And people running, trying to avoid their rumble,
         I saw people fall like sticks from the 104th floor,
         I turned my head and gasped wanting to see no more.
         I finally accepted the truth sometime in the afternoon,
         I just sat there shaking my head amidst the doom and the gloom
         " Nothing will ever be the same", I heard someone say,
         Our lives will forever be changed after this dreadful day,
         Yes, the horror that I saw will linger a long, long time,
         And the people that did this will pay dearly for their crime.
         The President solomely prayed with us in our grief,
         His noble words of faith gave us all some relief,
         And when he vowed to hunt down these cowardly devils,
         We tearfully cheered America, it came from ever level,
         There are no democrats or republicans now . Thats set aside,
         We will back our President to avenge those who died.
         When the airliners hit, the police and firemen answered the call,
         And we knew lots were lost as we saw the towers fall,
         The police and the firemen left saved a lot of souls that day,
         Through smoke and dust they were there to show the way,
         The workers started toiling moving stone, wood, and steel,
         And they are still there hunting. These heros are for real!
         So God bless you America! You've been through this before
         Our flag will wave on proudly though a little tattered and tore,
         It will still be there tomorrow and the holes and tears will heal,
         They just made us stronger ! How does that make them feel ?
         You cannot down this Eagle or sow fear upon our shore,
         We'll be here proud and strong with Lady Liberty at our door.

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Recommend  Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: mosthappyguppypuppySent: 8/28/2002 7:44 PM
That is nice, DoodleDanD.  Something woke me up right when that was  happening, so I watched it live all the way in Honolulu.  I haven't been able to turn off the news channel yet... I am trying to train myself to do that, though.  At least at night to sleep. 

Recommend  Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: FairestSent: 8/28/2002 9:16 PM
That's a touching poem, 3D.  I think it really captures what we all may have been feeling that morning.
I remember calling my Dad to chat about it and was shocked to discover he had not turned on a tv ot radio that morning yet, so he knew nothing about it!  When I started giving him details he thought I was joking at first, too.  I understood, the disbelief was big for most of us...
Thanks for sharing!

Recommend  Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesenilecrumbledcookieSent: 8/28/2002 10:55 PM
Thank-you I believe that most of the country felt that way.
I will always remember that day; I was at work still a housekeeper, 1 of the RNs came out of a residents room and told me that she saw the second tower being hit on the tv, everyone at work listened to the tvs in residents rooms when ever they could, then 1 man was in the lobby watching and started crying, we never knew how much he really comperened but he said "IT's Pearl Harbor all over again" it turned out that he was stationed at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed

Recommend  Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: banana oilSent: 9/3/2002 3:34 AM
That was very moving, Doodle Dan.  You spoke eloquently the feelings that lots of us have, but you articulated it so well.  Thank you.
9-11 will also be a day that will live in infamy.  We need to keep up the momentum, and allow no safe haven anywhere for the doers of this nefarious deed.

Recommend  Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: ~catnap~Sent: 9/3/2002 9:00 AM
you have such a way with words dan.
that was really lovely and captured the
feeling s felt by those who are not living
in America but shared your shock and grief
thank you

Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: latchSent: 9/7/2002 6:09 PM
That was an awful day, and your words of feelings sure apply to how most of us felt.
 It is "ODD", but I remember that the reason I joined this group last Sept. was because it made me laugh. Something I hadn't done much of for the three weeks before. The laughter brought balance into my spirit, and healing began.
Thank you all for your part in making me feel " normally odd" again.

Recommend  Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: Elvis In a Party HatSent: 9/9/2002 7:25 PM
THank you for giving us that poem, Doodle Dan.  The anniversary of that horrible days is almost upon us.  You expressed feelings of a lot of us well.

Recommend  Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 9/9/2002 8:21 PM
     That was a moving tribute Dan, Thank you. 9/11 is one of those days that will be seared in all of our memories. We will all remember what we were doing when that happened and how we felt. Children born after 9/11/02 will learn about that day in their history classes when they get older, but we who were around then will always have it as a living memory.
     I am sure that the resurgence of patriotism for our country and flag was not what the terrorists intended to happen when they attacked us, but I for one support tracking them down to the last man and expunging them from the face of the earth.
     Latch thank you for your post, what you got from Odd People was exactly what it was established for, to put humor back into our lives to help us thru the bad times. :>)
     Ubergato (Overcatus Patriotus)

Recommend  Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesatindollONESent: 9/9/2002 10:21 PM
hey doodledan and all you folks remembering 9-11, may i add my thoughts.
i was at my puter, starting my day, listing to the bob and tom show... when they said a plane had hit the first tower, it was all over the news, and i went to my tv immediately, kicked my son off his game, and made him turn the channell.  the news media thought, at first, it must have been some horrible mistake of the air controllers, not yet accepting the reality of the attack, and we were watching as we saw the coverage of the second plane come into the picture and hit the second tower.... my heart sank, and i turned to my son and said, "you are watching the history of the world change" and started yelling at the tv.... "get out of the buildings", saw the people jumping to their death from above the burn area and started crying at their hoplessness........when the towers fell i was watching (newswoman banfield)   i was in shock... and for a long time just sat bleared eyed, finally i could take it no more and changed the channel, there was a john wayne movie just starting, and i said, this is what i need, a good hero... to watch....
i went back to watching the repeats over and over.... and fell asleep in front of the tv unable to disconnect from the huge-ness of the attack....
well folks,   guess where i work.......started with the T S A (transportation security agency) at the airport in west palm beach, florida.......and have a boss who was a marine and was at the embasy bombing and in new york at the time of the attack on the towers, he wants us to do our job, as tho our kids are on the plane that's about to take off, and that worked for me... (as a mom, no one hurts my kids) i went thru the lines and training to get the job...... the boss doesnt want this to happen again,  and i joined a force of people who are taking on the responsibility of making sure people fly safe..... i feel good doing my job.... and as my instructer taught us.... 
NOT ON MY WATCH  ............    is the cry for all of us. 
it is all i can do, after the fact,  but i do it well.
the celebration of heroes for the next few days, will re-awake all of those memories,  but we should not forget what a great price was paid....  or to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice....  or to forget the regular people who went to work on a crisp and beautifull day to take care of their families.....  
and remember,   crying and feeling pain, just assures you that you are still alive.

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