Back in the early 1900s they were digging the Panama Canal. They had just got started when they ran into real trouble. It seems that a lot of their laborers were being bitten and killed by Coral Snakes that hid in the dense jungles they were clearing. The Construction boss didn't know what to do . Then someone suggested that he put an add in the New York Times asking for anyone that had a solution to their problem. They said they would pay well if anyone came up with a good solution.
The add ran about two weeks and finally a little fellow came down to the construction site and said he knew a fool proof way to rid the site of their snake problem. They ask him how and he explained : " Well sir, watcha do is get down in the grass and crawl around until you come up behind one of the Coral Snakes and then you put your finger and thumb on the tip. Then because the Coral snakes are colored with black and yellow stripes , you just take your other thumb and forefinger in front of the first and then alternate black, yellow, black, yellow, black, yellow until you reach his head then put your thumb over his nose and press and all the venom will come out of its teeth and they will be harmless."
The foreman of the project ask him if he would do it for them and he said he would after being promised a handsome reward for his effort.
Everything went fine untill about two weeks later when they brought the man in on a stretcher bloody from one end to the other. The foreman ask him what happened and in a weak voice this is what the man said.
" I-I was crawling along in the grass and I suddenly came up on one. Well, I put my thumb and forefinger over the tip and started alternating black, yellow, black, yerllow, black, twllow. When I got up to the top I stuck my thumb out to press his nose-- and --- and--"
" What ! What! What happened!" The foreman shouted'
The bleeding man said " I guess I'm the only man alive that ever stuck his thumb up a Tigers rear and lived to tell about it. "