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Odd Tutorials : Odd Stationery Tutorial
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Recommend  Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: BubbIes  (Original Message)Sent: 3/14/2001 1:40 AM


Odd Stationery Tutorial

The stationery that is uploaded in the File Cabinet of Odd People is Outlook Express stationery. This stationery is in an eml format. It is best used from a folder situated on your desktop. When you open up your folder and click on your stationery, a "New Message Window" will pop up and you may use your stationery as you normally would.

Creating a Folder on Your Desktop:

  1. Right click in a blank area on your desktop.
  2. Click on "New".
  3. Select "Folder".
  4. A new folder is now on your desktop. Rename it anything you want. (type the new name and then hit enter) If it’s for stationery, call it Stationery. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

To download the Odd Stationery:

  1. Right click on your selected stationery.
  2. Click on "Save Target As"
  3. Next add this after the file name: .eml
  4. Change file type to: All Files

Here is a picture in case you need some more help:


To use the Odd Stationery:

  1. Open your folder where you have placed the stationery.
  2. Click on the one you want to use.
  3. A "New Message" window will open and you can use the stationery as you would normally. You will see the words "Type Text Here" in the body of the stationery. Just start your typing before the words and later delete them. They are there to lock in the font so it won’t revert back to the default of Arial 10.

If you have any troubles, let me know.

Special thanks go to Fumble for her tutelage and the graphic and her patience with my many questions.


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Recommend  Message 8 of 1 in Discussion 
From: BubbIesSent: 3/14/2001 3:15 PM
To Trps:
No it only works for Outlook Express even tho it does not get stored in the Outlook Express Stationery folder in your puter.  The wallpaper stuff:  Ubie has to open a file to store it in the File Cabinet but I'm not sure that storing it there would work (I could be wrong). Is there a problem with the tutorial?  I tried to cover all the steps anyone would need to use the stationery.  Hope I didn't make it too difficult tho.
To Jest:
I will pick something from your album now that I know your taste in stationery and music.  That is good to know.  I will try to put your name and a copyright symbol on your artwork for you.
Note:  I won't use anybody's stuff out of their albums without their permission so don't worry.

Recommend  Message 9 of 1 in Discussion 
From: Kilgore TroutSent: 3/14/2001 3:52 PM
    Trps, if you can give me the wood windows (say 3x fast) by email, please do so.

Recommend  Message 10 of 1 in Discussion 
From: BubbIesSent: 3/14/2001 4:18 PM
Attention Jest:  Your stationery is done.  I uploaded it into the Odd Stationery in the file cabinet. If you don't want it to remain there, let me know, Ok?  Hope you like it!

Recommend  Message 11 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 3/14/2001 5:58 PM
Dear Bubbles,
               It's is wonderful!!!! Thank you so much! It made me laugh and feel kinda teary(Sniff, that you would do that for me). I would love to know how to put a copyright on some of my other work. I have been hesitant to post some of it.
                                                  Jest amused
P.S. Now I have to read the directions again on how to download it......

Recommend  Message 12 of 1 in Discussion 
From: BubbIesSent: 3/14/2001 6:25 PM
I am glad that you liked it so much Jest. 

Recommend  Message 13 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 3/14/2001 6:27 PM
Well, I managed to download, sort of, I put it in microsoft whatever, but it doesn't scroll. I know it was something I did. Got any suggestions? It plays music and looks beautiful, though!
          Also, I went back to my album and found a jpeg/gif called mew moo that I think others might like. Pick any music you want.

Recommend  Message 14 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 3/14/2001 6:29 PM "me stuff".

Recommend  Message 15 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 3/15/2001 4:09 AM
O!o! How about the freaking out mouse or something like that with "Crazy" by Patsy Cline.

Recommend  Message 16 of 1 in Discussion 
From: BubbIesSent: 3/16/2001 12:05 AM
Hi won't scroll til you send it.  Do a test and send it to yourself.  That's what I do if I am not sure about it.  After you click send, just go into your sent items folder and it should scroll.  Also make sure you put it in a folder on your desktop even if it's the "My Documents" one.
I will make some more stationery soon.  I was out shopping ALL day and am too tuckered out now.  I am glad you like the stationery so much.

Recommend  Message 17 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChrissyMLC1Sent: 5/9/2001 12:28 AM
  Well I've been working on that tutorial for a bit now...and try as I may..I cannot get it to scroll scrolls just fine in my preview window before I send it...
After I send it however, is another story....
might it have something to do with the fact that I am sending it to hotmail accounts?

Recommend  Message 18 of 1 in Discussion 
From: happierguppypuppySent: 5/9/2001 12:36 AM
You can configure your hotmail accounts so that they are received in Outlook Express.  I made a tutorial for that.  I believe that Hotmail, web based, has certain restrictions on what you can and cannot receive.  Of course, that is also a consideration when sending mail -- what program will people be using to read their mail.

Recommend  Message 19 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChrissyMLC1Sent: 5/9/2001 1:28 AM
    Thank you very much for your prompt reply.......I saw the tutorial on configuring the OE account to accept hotmail...and I did do that, and it works great!
My next...project is to figure out how you use those the posts? Any help would be appreciated, in the meantime I will scour the turorial posts for an answer to that particular problem..........................
This is so much fun....I have a community of artists..and would love to make stationery for all of them using some of their a surprise for them...........................Thank you so much for your help.

Recommend  Message 20 of 1 in Discussion 
From: happierguppypuppySent: 5/9/2001 3:01 AM
After you have your .eml file saved, go to your file cabinet.  Make a folder for .eml message files or something like that (the reason being you want to know the location because as your community grows, you will need to delete some content.  When you no longer need the message and delete it, you might also want to delete the .eml file.  It is just good housekeeping and you also need to consider the 30mb limit we get on our passports).  Upload your file into that folder and then when it is uploaded, click on it to open it in a window.  Copy the URL (in the address bar, highlight the url and copy it).  Now, in your message board, start a new discussion, and insert the url as a link (click on the  icon in the toolbar.  I also made a tutorial on hyperlinks).  Easy, huh?
One thing, the eml files can get large.  You can cut down on the size by reducing the graphics and using compresssed sound files.  I like to tile a gif for a background.   Also, when you first upload a file, it is hard to open at first.  It is almost like it needs some time to settle in.  I usually upload it, then come back to it a little later.  Seems crazy.

Recommend  Message 21 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChrissyMLC1Sent: 5/9/2001 5:39 AM
Thank you so much fumble for writing all that...I appreciate my next question is do I link many pages together? I noticed when I used my OE..for making the page with music...the link option was grayed out?.......Do you use something different for linking them together?..Also instead of opening each one and grabbing the url...I just did a right click and "copy shortcut" that worked okay...for linking...but only one at a time.....Am I missing something important here?
Thank you advance...

Recommend  Message 22 of 1 in Discussion 
From: happierguppypuppySent: 5/9/2001 6:33 AM
You can only do one link at a time (as far as I know).  For FOLLOW ME I did the last one first, incorporated that link into the second-to-last eml file and so on all the way to the first.  It took a long time. 
In OE, the link icon is greyed until you select what you want to make into a hyperlink.  For instance, if you want to make a photograph into a hyperlink, you have to insert it first, select it, and then insert the link.  If you want to make THESE WORDS into a hyperlink, you have to type them and then select them and then click the icon and insert the link. 
Keep in mind that I only guess you can do this stuff, try it, and sometimes it works.  There are probably better ways.

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