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Odd Tutorials : A link Bubbles?
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Recommend  Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amused  (Original Message)Sent: 3/17/2001 2:29 AM
Ok, I would like to provide a link to my friends here to my art happens site.
But I just can't seem to do it correctly. Could you help me?

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Recommend  Message 2 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 3/17/2001 2:30 AM
Or Fumble if you are too busy, Bubbles.

Recommend  Message 3 of 1 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 3/17/2001 2:46 AM

     Jest you can do a link by typing the words that you wish to use for the link and then highlighting them. Then click on the icon above that looks something like a glove wearing sunglasses. Type in your url in the space provided (the http:// will be added automatically) and then click insert. Voila' or wallah as we say in the south... you have created a hyper link! Be sure and add your Art Happens site to our member links as well so there will be a permenant link to your site here at Odd. :>)

     Ubergato (Overcatus Linkus)

Recommend  Message 4 of 1 in Discussion 
From: jest_amusedSent: 3/17/2001 2:55 AM
Thank you ,Ubergato, I kept trying and trying. I was just at the member links and didn't have a clue. However, I think I can do it now.

Recommend  Message 5 of 1 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppiesSent: 3/17/2001 5:54 PM
I tried to help last night jest, but the community was down for maintenance and I couldn't post for awhile.  Your problem was that you shortened the word community in the URL.  HTML is very unforgiving of typos.  The very easiest way to do it when you are just statrting is to open the page where you want to link to, put your curser into the address bar, highlight it, copy it and then insert it directly using the link button  in the toolbar.  I made a tutorial called fun with hyperlinks that might help you.  I also made another tutorial called how to spell check your messenger.  It has some information (I should have called that post something else) that will help you use outlook express to make links in and to test to see if they work.
But Uncle is an expert on making communities now!  She got it for you.

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